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Event for participants without OpenRefine or other special prior knowledge.


27. Juni 2024, 15:20-16:50


Online via Zoom. Login is provided by Ingenium or ULB.

Online via Zoom. Login is provided by Ingenium or ULB.


University and State Library Darmstadt (ULB)



In our workshop "Data wrangling with OpenRefine" you will learn the basics of preparing and transforming tabular data with the open source software OpenRefine (https://openrefine.org/). OpenRefine provides functions to identify and correct inconsistencies in large amounts of data under a graphical user interface that outwardly resembles spreadsheet software. For example, it is possible to combine slightly different spellings of a name in different entries (e.g. TU Darmstadt and TU_Darmstadt) by clustering and then label them uniformly. Such data preparation often makes later analysis of the data much easier.

  • How do I create a project and import data?
  • How do I use facet, filter and cluster functions?
  • How do I transform data? (e.g. splitting cell contents)
  • How do I export data?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to a sample dataset.

Please set up OpenRefine on your computer before the workshop starts. Instructions can be found at https://hessenbox.tu-darmstadt.de/getlink/fiJ2dhQbWYQ4VtYgi6k6DPUC/Installationshinweise_OpenRefine (current documents available 7 days before the workshop).


Jens Freund


Scientific employees of TU Darmstadt: Registration form Ingenium

All other interested parties: Cituro (Registration possible until 24h before the workshop starts)

Individual Offers

On request, the ULB also offers tailor-made events and consultations on this topic.



ULB, ulb-digitalkompetenzen, online, openrefine, careerservice, ulb-textunddatamining, ulb-forschende