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‘Climate change in earth system research’

Lecture held by PD Dr. Heike Hübener in the lecture series “System Erde-Mensch” Feb. 06, 2025, 6:05 PM ATTENTION: Unfortunately, we have to cancel tonight's lecture, because our guest is unavailable at short notice!

Everybody welcome! For further information please contact isp@gugw.tu-darmstadt.de.

This lecture series is offered every winter and is open to students from all departments as well as interested members of the public. This semester, we are also offering an accompanying Climate Fresk workshop organised by the Office for Sustainability and the HONEDA network.

Time: Thursdays 18:05 – 19:45

Location: S103/226

TUCan-No.: 11-02-6020-vl

How does the Earth system work and what makes it tick? Along global environmental changes, experts from various disciplines shed light on key interrelationships and thus provide well-founded perspectives for categorising the current planetary crisis.

Lecture contents: Functioning and crises of our earth system

he lecture series introduces the research field of Earth system research. This understands the earth as a system and aims to understand its formation and functioning, thus making a central contribution to understanding the ‘state’ of our earth. To this end, knowledge and methods from a variety of scientific fields are integrated. By analysing empirically proven models and projecting them into the future, Earth system research attempts to identify so-called ‘tipping points’ in the Earth system and to make the associated environmental consequences visible.

In the lecture series, the methods, research approaches and findings of earth system research are examined on the basis of various global environmental changes (e.g. climate change, loss of biodiversity, ocean acidification). The focus is on the interaction between land, atmosphere, water, ice, biosphere, societies, technologies and the economy, taking human influence into account. Interdisciplinary links are established and earth system research itself is critically scrutinised.

Find the semester program of the lecture series here (opens in new tab) !

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