We all use computers, smartphones and other IT for our work at TU Darmstadt. This puts us at risk of falling victim to a hacker attack or a phishing campaign. Criminals are becoming increasingly adept at combining digital tools with social engineering to obtain data or infect systems with malware. This home page will help you identify potential threats and protect your IT devices and the digital information on them.

Time for a quiz?

How well are you informed about IT security and threats on the web?
Join the knowledge check to find it out.

Interested in a training?

Are you interested in learning basic behaviors and concepts to achieve IT security at your workplace? Visit one of our trainings .

Report an IT security incident

Do you have clicked on a suspicious link? Do you suspect a virus, Trojan or similar on your IT device? Do you see your infrastructure threatened? Then get in touch with us!

How to report an IT security incident.