Door number 7

Yesterday you deleted unused software. Today, it's about keeping the existing software up to date.

Software manufacturers use patches and updates to close software vulnerabilities that have become known. It is immensely important to apply these patches / updates quickly. This prevents attackers from accessing your IT systems via the known vulnerabilities of a software.

Task for today: Ensure regular software updates!

What you should do

  • Enable automatic updates whenever possible.
  • Switch on the function “Notify me about updates”.
  • Only use software that is still supplied with updates by the manufacturer, i.e. that has not yet reached the so-called end-of-life. (For Windows 7, for example, end-of-life was in January 2020 – Now you should think twice if you are still using Windows 7!)

Note about managed computers:

On managed computers, software updates and patches are triggered regularly. If possible, allow the installation and any subsequent reboot to take place immediately, especially in the case of patches.

A good option is also to restart the computer once a week before lunch, for example in the middle of the week. After the restart, enable VPN before login, but leave the computer locked. You can now go on break, your computer will perform all pending updates. After the lunch break, unlock the computer as usual with your TU ID and continue working

For more tips and instructions on how to enable automatic updates in the most popular operating systems, visit the BSI website.