PhD Students
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Zahra Abbasi M.Sc.C2 - Ecological Momentary Assessment
Niklas Bleichner M.Sc.C1 - The influence of functional electrical stimulation(FES) in adult patients with upper motor neuron disease
Michael Drolet M.Sc.
B3 - Machine Learning for Motion Support by Intention Predictions
+49 6151 16-21817
S2|02 E326
Vahid Firouzi M.Sc.
B1 - Potentials of biomechanical modelling in the assistive development
+49 6151 16-24133
S1|15 46
Diana Rebeca Cervera Herrera M.Sc.
D1 - Consideration of user expertise through co-development
S1|02 132
Sebastian Hirt M.Sc.
A/B - Predictive control for learning movement assistance systems
+49 6151 16-25172
S3|10 516
Bastian Latsch M.Sc.
A3 - Application of Ferroelectric Sensors for Assistive Devices
+49 6151 16-20667
S4|22 109
Asghar Mahmoudi Khomami M.Sc.
A1 - Adaptable Drive Concepts for Assistive Systems
+49 6151 16-23131
S1|15 46
Dr. Khan Muhammad
A2 - Functional materials for assistive devices
+49 6151 16-20068
L2|07 103
Aida Mohammadi Nejad Rashty M.Sc.
Sports Biomechanics
+49 6151 16-24133
S1|15 46
Omid Mohseni M.Sc.
B2 - Models of Perturbation Behavior in Human Locomotion
+49 6151 16-24133
S1|15 46
Otilia Pasnicu M.Sc.
D3 - Mental Models of Individuals with disabilities for the control of assistive devices
+49 6151 16-24087
S1|15 14
Jennifer Raynaud M.ScD2 - Embodiment in Virtual Reality: An implicit technic to evaluate the integration of assistance systems
Niklas Schäfer M.Sc.
C3 - Human-in-the-Loop Studies for Assistive Devices
+49 6151 16-20667
S4|22 109