- Registration Form until April 11, 2023
- Registration fee: 650 €
The registration fee for the workshop includes breakfast, packed lunch, dinner and conference facilities.
Please transfer 650 € to the following bank account by April 30, 2023:
Bank: Account holder: IBAN: SWIFT/BIC code: Reason for payment: |
Deutsche Bank AG Vereinigung von Freunden der Technischen Universität zu Darmstadt e.V. DE97 508 700 050 0280222 00 DEUT DE FF508 Prof. Riedel – PIRE |
Address of account holder: Vereinigung von Freunden der TUD Alexanderstrasse 25 64283 Darmstadt Germany |
Address of the Deutsche Bank: Deutsch Bank AG Luisenplatz 7 64283 Darmstadt Germany |