Workshop on X-ray Spectroscopy of Magnetic Materials: Emerging Opportunities at the 4th Generation Synchrotrons

by the ESRF in Grenoble, France, from December 11 – 13, 2023


This two-and-half-day workshop, which will bring together the experts within the field, will allow for a comprehensive view of the latest achievements and envisioned developments in absorption and emission X-ray spectroscopic techniques applied to magnetic materials. During the meeting we will seek to highlight the emerging new opportunities for magnetism research offered by the ESRF-EBS as well as upcoming upgrades at other synchrotron radiation facilities.

This workshop is intended to create a friendly environment aiming to attract new users and to establish new collaborations. It will consist of mainly invited talks with ample time reserved for questions and discussion as well as a poster session. For early stage researchers and non-expert users, a tutorial session on the use of X-ray sum rules and advanced simulations of X-ray spectra will be organized.

The workshop is open to all interested researchers, but the number of participants will be limited to approximately 60. There is no registration fee and meals and accommodation during the workshop will be provided free of charge. A limited number of bursaries are available for PhD students and early stage researchers working in the field.

Deadline for registration for the workshop is on Friday 10th November.

This is an in-person workshop and it is funded by EU project Streamline and the ESRF.

You will find more information about this event on the web page.