Spin order and disorder at interfaces in nanoscale magnets probed by neutron scattering


This project investigates spin order and disorder at interfaces in nanoscale magnets probed by neutron scattering. Magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) is sensitive to structural and magnetic inhomogeneities on the nm length scale (1 – 500 nm), and can identify resultant spin misalignments induced by nanoscale defects and precipitates. Spin inhomogeneities in magnetic volume materials affect the hysteretic behaviour, and the evolution of spin misalignment with processing parameters (high-pressure torsion, AM) is to be revealed (collaboration with A01, A03, A04, A05, A10, B12).


  Name Contact
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Disch
+49 (0)201 183-3684