Event series: “Mehr für Alle – Wie Männer für den Prozess der Gleichstellung gewonnen werden können.”


The Gender Equality Office wants to actively include you in the process of achieving true Gender Equality at TUDa and in society in general.

We invite you to discuss and reflect with us during the event series “Mehr für Alle – Wie Männer für den Prozess der Gleichstellung gewonnen werden können.“

On May 14 at 1-3pm in Room S1|03 283 (Wilhelm-Köhler-Saal) we will open with the renowned author and consultant Boris von Heesen.

Boris von Heesen will draw on his longstanding experience as a consultant for men and fathers and give an introduction into benefits, possibilities, and challenges for the communal societal task of gender equality.

The event is open to all genders.

Subsequently, work will continue with interested TUDa members in workshops focusing on the exchange of ideas on the topics collected at the kick-off event and promoting open discussions in a protected space. In addition to a workshop for men only (4 June), there will be one for members of all genders (5 June). You will receive further information on this and how to register at the kick-off event.

The results of the workshops will then be transferred into concrete development ideas for TUDa in guided group work with selected experts.

All events in this series will be in German.

We are looking forward to your input and experience!

For questions regarding the events, please contact