Cognitive Science Mentoring Event 2024

Many Cognitive Science students are usually wondering about their career options after graduation.
To address questions and share some insights about first steps into the working world and possible career paths, the Cognitive Science Mentoring Team organized an event on the 29th of November, called “CogSci Studium fertig. Und jetzt?”
Former students of Cognitive Science and related programs from Darmstadt and other locations in Germany were invited to talk about their careers after university and to give interested students a personal impression of possible career prospects. PhD students, postdocs and professors from various Cognitive Science working groups were also present.
With around 110 attendees the event was a success with many discussions between students and guests until late in the evening.
Organization: Vildan Salikutluk and Tobias Niehues
Supported by the Centre for Cognitive Science
- Paul Schweiger (R+V, Innovation Manager)
- Frederike Jung (Finanz-AI Start-Up, Product Manager)
- Jule Brendgen (Senior IT Consultant – Governance & Public Sector)
- Flemming Brieger (Psiori, Senior Data Scientist)
- Dr. Florian Kadner (statworx, Consultant & AI Educator)
- Katharina Freitag (d-fine, Consultant)