
The Research Field Energy and Environment (E+E) is one of three research fields at TU Darmstadt. E+E provides a platform for the scientific exchange of researchers at TU Darmstadt with the aim of shaping research foci within the context of profile topics. Furthermore, E+E provides a framework for exchange with other research institutions, the interested public, politics and industry.

Spokespersons of the Research Field E+E

The research field is represented by the two elected spokespersons.

  Name Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan
Spokesperson E+E
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Pelz
Deputy spokesperson E+E

Head office

The head office is responsible for the coordination and administration of the Research Field E+E.

  Name Contact
Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Lambie
Managing Director
+49 (0) 6151 16-22177
L2 06 106
Dr. Jeanine Dörr
E+E Graduate School
+49 6151 16-20606
L2|06 104
Dipl.-Soz. Stefanie Warmuth
Science communication
+49(0) 6151 16-25645
L2 06 102
Monika Medina España
Monika Medina España
+49 (0) 6151 16-25642
L2 06 219

Steering committee

The steering committee advises and decides on the activities of the Research Field E+E.

  Name Contact
Prof. Dr. Dieter Bothe
Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem
Coordinator Computational Engineering
Prof. Dr. Andreas Dreizler
Coordinator Carbon Neutral Circles
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse
Coordinator Carbon Neutral Circles
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Griepentrog
Coordinator Integrated Energy Systems
Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Hofmann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeanette Hussong
Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena
Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt
Coordinator Integrated Energy Systems
Prof. Dr. Susanne Lackner
Coordinator Scalable Clean Water Cycles
Prof. Dr. Michael Neugart
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Pelz
Deputy spokesperson E+E
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schüth
Coordinator Scalable Clean Water Cycles
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan
Spokesperson E+E
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Weeger
Coordinator Computational Engineering
Prof. Dr. Anke Weidenkaff