Current members
Photo | Name | Institute/Research Group | Contact |
| Prof. Dr. Annette Andrieu-Brunsen | Department of Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry - Smart Membranes | annette.andrieu-brunsen@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Christian Beidl | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines and Powertrain Systems | beidl@vkm.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Moritz Bigalke | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Soil Mineralogy and Soil Chemistry | bigalke@geo.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Dieter Bothe Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena | Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis | bothe@mma.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yves Burkhardt | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electrical Drive Systems | yves.burkhardt@eas.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing Jörg Dettmar | Department of Architecture, Design and Landscape Architecture | dettmar@freiraum.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Yann Disser | Department of Mathematics, Optimization | disser@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Andreas Dreizler Coordinator Carbon Neutral Circles | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Reactive Flows and Diagnostics | dreizler@rsm.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr Ralf Elbert | Department of Law and Economics, Management and Logistics | elbert@log.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing Markus Engelhart | Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Technology | m.engelhart@iwar.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Epple | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Energy Systems and Technology | bernd.epple@est.tu-... |
| Apl. Prof. Dr. Sc. Tatiana Gambaryan-Roisman | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical Thermodynamics | gtatiana@ttd.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jan Giesselmann | Department of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis | giesselmann@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerd Griepentrog Coordinator Integrated Energy Systems | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Power Electronics and Control of Drives | gerd.griepentrog@lea.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Nicolai Hannig | Department of History and Social Sciences, Modern History | nicolai.hannig@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson | Department of Electical Engineering and Information Technology, Electrical Power Supply with Integration of Renewable Energy (E5) | jutta.hanson@e5.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Steffen Hardt | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nano- and Microfluidics | hardt@nmf.tu-... |
Picture: Patrick Bal
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse Coordinator Carbon Neutral Circles | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems | hasse@stfs.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Andreas Henk | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Engineering Geology | henk@geo.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Christian Hess | Department of Chemistry, Surface Chemistry and in situ/operando Spectroscopy | christian.hess@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Matthias Hieber | Department of Mathematics, Applied Analysis | hieber@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Matthias Hinderer | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Applied Sedimentary Geology | hinderer@geo.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Hofmann | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Surface Science | hofmann@surface.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Hübler | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Data-infused Modeling in Structural Dynamics | clemens.huebler@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeanette Hussong Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics | hussong@sla.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Nina Janich | Department of History and Social Sciences, Linguisitcs and Literary Studies | nina.janich@tu-... |
Picture: Benjamin Schenk
| Anett-Maude Joppien Prof. Dipl.Ing., M.Arch, Architektin BDA | Department of Architecture, Design and Building Technology | brammer@egt.tu-... |
| Dr. Jörg Kemmerzell | Department of History and Social Sciences, Comparative Politics and European Integration | kemmerzell@pg.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt Coordinator Integrated Energy Systems | Department of History and Social Sciences, Comparative Politics and European Integration | knodt@pg.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. sc.. Myriam Koch Coordinator Integrated Energy Systems | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Power Electronics and Control of Drives | myriam.koch@tu-... |
| Prof. Eddie Koenders | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Construction and Building Materials | koenders@wib.tu-... |
| Prof. Christoph Kuhn | Department of Architecture, Design and sustainable construction | kuhn@enb.tu-... |
Picture: Renate Schäfer
| Prof. Dr. Susanne Lackner Coordinator Scalable Clean Water Cycles | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute IWAR, Water and Environmental Biotechnology | s.lackner@iwar.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jens Lang | Department of Mathematics, Numerics of partial differential equations | lang@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer | Department of History and Social Sciences, International Relations | lederer@pg.tu-... |
Picture: Katrin Binner
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lehmann | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering | wabau@wb.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Benno Liebchen | Theory of Soft Matter | benno.liebchen@pkm.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Linkhorst | Process engineering of electrochemical systems | john.linkhorst@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jia Liu | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Traffic Route Engineering | jliu@vwb.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Dimitrios Loukrezis | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Scientific Machine Learning | loukrezis@temf.tu-... |
Picture: Uli Knaak
| Prof. Dr. Holger Lutze | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Analytics and Pollutants | h.lutze@iwar.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Jan Machaček | Head of numerical geotechnics | jan.machacek@tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Tomislav Maric | Department of Mathematics, Lagrangian/Eulerian numerical methods for multiphase flows | maric@mma.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Holger Marschall | Department of Mathematics, Computational Multiphase Flow | marschall@mma.tu-... |
Picture: Peter Ehlers
| Prof. Dr. Michael Neugart | Department of Law and Economics, Public Economics and Economic Policy | michael.neugart@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Stefan Niessen | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Technology and Economics of Multimodal Energy Systems | stefan.niessen@mmes.tu-... |
Picture: Katrin Binner
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Oberlack | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Dynamics | office@fdy.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Pelz | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Systems | Peter.Pelz@fst.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steven Peters | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering | steven.peter@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Marc Pfetsch | Department of Mathematics, Optimization | pfetsch@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Andreas Pfnür | Department of Law and Economics, Real Estate | pfnuer@bwl.tu-... |
| Prof. Ph.D. Frank Pisch | Department of Law and Economics, Microeconomics | frank.pisch@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Herbert Plenio | Department of Chemistry, Homogeneous Catalysis & Organometallic Chemistry | herbert.plenio@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Markus Prechtl | Department of Chemistry, Didactics of Chemistry | markus.prechtl@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Rinderknecht | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Systems | rinderknecht@ims.tu-... |
| Apl. Prof. Dr. Ilia Roisman | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics | roisman@sla.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Massimo Rolle | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Aquatic Geochemistry | massimo.rolle@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Marcus Rose | Department of Chemistry, Technical Chemistry | marcus.rose@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Rudolph-Cleff | Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Development | rudolph@stadt.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Ingo Sass | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Geothermal Science and Technology | sass@geo.tu-... |
| Prof. Stefan Schäfer | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Constructive Design and Building Consstruction | sts@kgbauko.tu-... |
Picture: Katrin Binner
| Prof. Dr. Gerrit Jasper Schenk | Department of History and Social Sciences, History of the Middle Ages | schenk@pg.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Dirk Schiereck | Department of Law and Economics, Corporate Finance | dirk.schiereck@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. habil. Britta Schmalz | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering Hydrology and Water Management | schmalz@ihwb.tu-... |
Picture: Ilka Renz Fotografie
| Dr.-Ing. Arne Scholtissek | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems | scholtissek@stfs.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schöps | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computational Electromagnetics | sebastian.schoeps@tu-... |
| Apl. Prof. Dr. Kai Schulze | Department of History and Social Sciences, Integrated Systems Analysis | schulze@pg.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Christoph Schüth Coordinator Scalable Clean Water Cycles | Materials- and Geosciences, Hydrogeology | schueth@geo.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jörg Simon | Department of Biology, Microbial energy conversion and biotechnology | joerg.simon@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Robert Stark | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Physics of Surfaces | stark@pos.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Florian Steinke | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Energy Information Networks & Systems | florian.steinke@eins.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical Thermodynamics | pstephan@ttd.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich | Department of Mathematics, Optimization | ulbrich@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Nico van der Vegt | Department of Chemistry, Computational Physical Chemistry | vandervegt@cpc.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Anette von Ahsen | Department of Law and Economics, Accounting, Controlling and Auditing | anette.ahsen@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Regine von Klitzing | Department of Physics, Soft Matter at Interfaces | klitzing@fkp.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Anke Weidenkaff | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Materials and Resources | anke.weidenkaff@mr.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauke Zachert | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Geotechnics | hauke.zachert@tu-... |
| Dr. Sc. Vanessa Zeller | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Material Flow Management and Ressource Economy | v.zeller@iwar.tu-... |