Within the TFI Science Day we want to focus on the scientific diversity of our profile topic and share current topics and questions from our disciplines. The goal is to gain new perspectives, provide impetus and develop new ideas.
- Presentations will last 15 minutes each, followed by 10 minutes of discussion.
- Poster pitches are “one slide, one minute”, please send your slide no later than the day before the event.
- Each working group involved in the profile topic should present one poster
- Poster session is with beer and pretzels.
Please note that binding registration is required for the planning of the poster session and catering. The TFI Science Day takes place once every term.
Location: L2|06 Room 100 (Campus Lichtwiese)
TFI Science Day: 8 November 2024, 14–17 hrs
Time | Title of talk |
14:00 |
Micro particles for transport and tracing Jeanette Hussong |
14:25 |
Machine learning for computational fluid dynamics Tomislav Maric |
14:50 | Coffee break (Foyer) |
15:10 |
Transient sieves: A new paradigm for separation processes? Steffen Hardt |
15:35 | Poster pitches (one slide in one minute per poster) |
16:00 | Poster sessions with beer and pretzels (Foyer) |
17:00 | End of event |
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Dieter Bothe Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena | Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis | bothe@mma.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Lambie Managing Director | benjamin.lambie@tu-... +49 (0) 6151 16-22177 L2 06 106 |