FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Registration, login and account

All members of TU Darmstadt are recommended to log in securely with their TU Darmstadt account, as this minimises the need to enter and create new data. In addition, the student or employee status is taken directly from the TU Darmstadt identity management system. This gives TU members automatic access to the appropriate offers for students and employees in the Skills Portal.

Registration by e-mail is only possible if a guest account with this e-mail has been created beforehand. This method is intended for people who are not members of TU Darmstadt. People with a guest account can only book courses that are authorised for guests. They cannot book courses that are exclusively for students or employees.

It is important to always use the same login (TU account or e-mail). In this way, registration is always carried out with the same identity so that all bookings and certificates can be reliably assigned to just this one identity.

To view your own account, you first need to log in.

The account is then opened by clicking on the figure icon in the top right-hand corner. The account includes the menu items ‘My dashboard’ and ‘My profile’.

In ‘My Dashboard’, all users can find an overview of the courses and waiting lists they have booked, as well as personal documents such as certificates of attendance from previous courses.

Under ‘My profile’, personal data such as a postal address can be added or deleted as required, for example for possible payment transactions.

The password for logging in via e-mail can also be changed here in the ‘Password’ tab.

In the ‘Linked accounts’ tab, an account that was initially created with an e-mail can be linked to your own TU account. This prevents the two accounts from being stored as separate identities in the system and bookings and certificates from ending up once in the e-mail account and once in the TU account, depending on which account was used for registration.

Currently, students cannot delete their account themselves at the touch of a button, as this could result in the loss of data such as a place on waiting lists that is still linked to the account. This can lead to problems in the system.

Therefore, please send an email toand inform us informally of your wish to delete your account. The portal coordinator will then delete the user account.


The descriptions of the course offers appear in German if German is set for the browser user interface and in English if English is set for the browser user interface. By changing the language setting of the browser, you can also change the language of the course offerings.

Change language settings for Firefox

Change language settings for Chrome

Change language sttings for Microsoft

Changes language settings for Safari

The course descriptions are available in German and English. The automatic translation function of the browser can be used for automatic translation into other languages.

Translation function in Firefox

Translation function in Chrome

Translation function in Microsoft Edge

Translation function in Safari

A button for switching back and forth between a German and English-language user interface is planned for the future.

Booking and waiting list

There are two ways to find specific offers.

Firstly, you can use the full text search. For example, if you only want to see English-language offers on the subject of presenting, the search terms English and presenting or presentation will lead you to a list of relevant offers. The full text search searches the titles of the offers and the description text.

The filter options can also be used. Offers can be filtered by subject area, teaching language and institution.

A successful booking is confirmed both on the screen and by an e-mail to the e-mail address provided.

Once you have joined the waiting list, you will receive a confirmation on the screen. As soon as a place becomes available on a course, the first person on the waiting list will be notified and asked to book the course or unsubscribe from the waiting list. If this person does not respond within 12 hours, the free place is automatically offered to the next person on the waiting list.

Booked courses and waiting lists can be viewed in your own dashboard.

The dashboard is displayed after clicking on the figure icon in the top right-hand corner. In addition to the booked courses and waiting lists, it also contains all personal documents in the system, such as certificates of attendance.

Digital certificates of attendance in pfd format are issued for the offers in the Skills Portal if a certificate of attendance is mentioned in the offer description. For very short events and information events, certificates of attendance are only issued on request.

As soon as a certificate of attendance has been created, a notification email with a document link is sent to the participants. The document link can be used to download the certificate from the personal dashboard. A login is required for this. The certificates remain permanently saved in the personal dashboard even after the download so that they can be accessed and downloaded again and again.

Cancellation from a course

Free courses can be canceled in the dashboard under the menu item “My courses”. Click on the three dots to the right of the course to cancel it free of charge and free up the place for another interested person.

Conditions of participation and costs

The Skills Portal programmes are open to all TU Darmstadt students.

In some cases, it is also possible for guests or employees to participate. This is always stated in the course description. Courses that are only open to students can only be booked by students.

The offers in the Skills Portal are free of charge for all TU Darmstadt students. The “Payment” step during the booking process is only there to document this free of charge in the shopping cart.

Contact and Support

If you have any problems with your booking, please contact the course administrator. Their contact details can be found in the offer description.

Requests for improvements are always welcome by e-mail to !

You will also find a sympathetic ear for complaints about the portal.

Data privacy and security

The course booking system is a service/software as a service provided by UniNow GmbH.

UniNow GmbH regularly undergoes audits and software tests to ensure data security and data protection. They cover the areas of functionality according to ISO/IEC 25051:2014, data security according to PPP13011B:2018, quality assurance according to ISO 9001 and data protection according to the legal requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the IT-Grundschutz compendium of the BSI.

All data is operated on servers of OVH GmbH based in Cologne. No frameworks from U.S. companies, such as Google Analytics or Facebook SDK, are used. Furthermore, UniNow GmbH does not process sensitive data such as cell phone numbers for account creation.

More information on data protection, data security, functionality and quality can be found on the data protection page of UniNow GmbH..

Where is the course database hosted?

The course database is hosted by UniNowas a service partner of TU Darmstadt.