Testing mode

eLabFTW is currently being tested and is not a productive service. If you are interested in a test, please contact us.

eLabFTW is an electronic laboratory notebook designed for broad application in many scientific fields. It is an open source system with an active community that continuously provides improvements and expands the range of functions.

eLabFTW offers a text editor that supports various markup languages such as LaTeX or Markdown. Users can draw and integrate graphics and structural formulae, as well as attach any files. Entries can be uniquely referenced via an identifier and can be structured via links and tags, which facilitates more structured data organisation. Customisable forms can be used to record metadata and thus enable standardised documentation. It also allows simple resource management of laboratory equipment, samples or projects, which can also be referenced. In addition to a browser-based interface, it features a very extensive API. There are administrative functions such as the integration of timestamp services for preserving evidence or a basic permission management.

eLabFTW at TUDa (test operation)

The HRZ of the TU Darmstadt runs an eLabFTW instance as a test to evaluate the practical suitability of the solution. If you are interested in using eLabFTW as part of the test operation, please contact us at .

HeFDI eLabFTW Q&A session

HeFDI, the Hessian RDM initiative, hosts a regular Q&A session where current and potential future users a very welcome to join. Please see the HeFDI website for details.