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Information for research data management (RDM) officers

In this knowledge base, the RDM officers collectively develop and share recommendations and best practices for research data management that are considered useful for researchers at TU Darmstadt. Read more about the context and goals on the TUdata website.

We encourage you to share best practices of your working group and get in contact with other RDM officers at TU Darmstadt to develop common solutions and ideas. If you want to contact us, write an email to .

If you have been appointed as RDM officer or want to contribute to the best practices, we will add you to the GitLab project so that you can create issues and add content.

List of RDM officers

In the recent revision of its Guidelines on Digital Research Data, TU Darmstadt requires that RDM officers are appointed for each research group.

History and Social Sciences (Dept. 2)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Politisches System Deutschlands und Vergleich politischer Systeme Andreas Küpfer --- large data volumes
Digital Philology – Modern German Literature Malte Meister Text+ basic RDM, file formats, quality control, sustainable source code
Neuere und Neueste Geschichte Volker Köhler NFDI4Memory data archiving, data preparation for sharing
Empirische Sozialforschung Hannah Schwärzel --- ---
Institut für Philosophie Andreas Brenneis,
Kai Denker

KonsortSWD, Text+, NFDI4Memory File Formats, Quality Control, Data Sharing, Data Archiving

Human Sciences (Dept. 3)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Institut für Psychologie Yunyan Duan --- sustainable source code, quality control, file formats, HPC, large data volumes, ELN, metadata extraction, HDF5, RDF, TDM
Movement, Training & Computer Science in Sport Katrin Hoffmann --- ---

Mathematics (Dept. 4)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
full department Marc Pfetsch --- ---

Physics (Dept. 5)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Institut of Condensed Matter Physics Suvendu Mandal NFDI-MatWerk metadata extraction, large data volumes, sustainable source code
Nichtlineare Optik/Quantenoptik Thorsten Peters --- ELN
Hammer group Hans-Werner Hammer PUNCH4NFDI ---
ELEMENTS & IRTG 2891 Johann Isaak PUNCH4NFDI Interfaces between internal and external archives, RO-Crates, ELN
Schwenk group Kai Hebeler --- ---
Physikdidaktik Robin Dexheimer-Reuter KonsortSWD GDPR-compliant data storage
Laser- und Plasmaphysik Benedikt Schmitz --- sustainable source code, reproducibility of results, uncertainty quantification, data-driven modeling, FAIR

Chemistry (Dept. 7)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Angewandte Biochemie Andreas Christmann --- ---
Biologische Chemie Katja Schmitz --- ---
Buntkowsky group Hergen Breitzke --- ---
Chemie der technischen Gewerbe Boris Schmidt NFDI4Chem ---
Fachdidaktik Chemie Yannick L. Legscha NFDI4Chem, NFDI4Energy, NFDI4Cat basic FDM, ELN
Hess group Christian Hess --- ---
Theoretical Physical Chemistry Evangelia Charvati --- ---
Schneider group Jörg Engstler --- ---
Technische Chemie III Emil Schwarz --- ---
Thiele group - Organische Strukturaufklärung Volker Schmidts NFDI4Chem ELN, HPC, sustainable source code, inventory management

Biology (Dept. 10)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Systems Biology of the Stress Response Ahmed Bulldan --- ELN, HPC, quality control
Cell biology & epigenetics Alexander Rapp NFDI4BIOIMAGE Next generation file format for (bio-) imaging, ELN integration, HDF5, big data, image server
Plant biomechanics, functional morphology, and biomimetics Simon Poppinga DataPLANT, NFDI4Biodiversity, NFDI4BIOIMAGE ---
Systemische Neurophysiologie / Neurophysiologie und neurosensorische Systeme Daniel Johannes Hofmann --- large data volumes, data formats
Microbial energy conversion & biotechnology Carolin Werner --- ---
Ecological Networks David A. Donoso NFDI4Bioimage, NFDI4Biodiversity Metadata extraction, Large data volumes, Data Sharing, Data Archiving, Data Analysis
Radiation Biology and DNA Repair Ratna Weimer NFDI4Bioimage Metadata extraction, Large data volumes, Data formats, Quality control, ELN

Materials and Earth Sciences (Dept. 11)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
In-Situ Elektronenmikroskopie Sangjun Kang --- ---
Oberflächenforschung Olaf Praß NFDI-MatWerk, NFDI4Cat, (NFDI4Chem, NFDI4Energy) combination of ELN with archival and other systems, data publication/archival
Materialanalytik Khaled Amin --- ---
Materialmodellierung Jochen Rohrer --- ---
Mechanics of Functional Materials Somnat Bharech NFDI-MatWerk, Kadi4Mat ELN, HPC, large data volumes, metadata extraction
Molekulare Nanostrukturen Ralph Krupke --- ---
Nichtmetallisch-Anorganische Werkstoffe Xufei Fang
Patrick Breckner

--- ---
Organische Elektronik Abin Nalakath --- ---
Physics of surfaces Alexander Erb NFDI4Ing, NFDI-MatWerk ELN, sustainable data organisation
Physikalische Metallkunde Sebastian Bruns NFDI-MatWerk ELN, Onthologies, Metadata extraction, Jupyter, FAIR Data, Data storage
Institute of Applied Geosciences Daniel Heß --- ---

Civil and Environmental Engineering (Dept. 13)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Whole department Peter Mewis --- ---
Institute of Geotechnics Jan Machaček --- ---
Institute of Geodesy Lina Budde NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Earth, NFDI4DataScience large data volumes, sustainable source code, file formats, quality control, metadata extraction
Institute of Construction Technologies and Management Jörg Fenner --- ---
Institut für Massivbau Eftychia Apostolidi NFDI4Ing HPC, large data volumes
Institut für Numerische Methoden und Informatik im Bauwesen Pascal Mosler --- sustainable source code

Architecture (Dept. 15)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
full department Andreas Noback --- ---

Mechanical Engineering (Dept. 16)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Fahrzeugtechnik (FZD) Kristof Hofrichter --- metadata extraction, file formats, quality control, large data volumes, sustainable source code, modular software architectures, standardized interfaces
Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft Lisa Zeitler NFDI4Ing ---
Institut für Druckmaschinen und Druckverfahren (IDD)
Biomedizinisches Drucken
Hans Martin Sauer --- large data volumes, representation of data structures
Institut für Mechatronische Systeme Janosch Moos NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Energy ---
Institute for Nano- and Microfluidics Tobias Baier --- ---
Institut für Produktentwicklung und Maschinenelemente (pmd) Michel Fett NFDI4Ing ---
Papierfabrikation und mechanische Verfahrenstechnik Ricardo Fitas NFDI4DataScience, NFDI4Ing, NFDI-MatWerk data organization
Product Life Cycle Management Adrian Reuther NFDI4Ing ---
Reaktive Strömungen und Messtechnik (RSM) Steven Wagner NFDI4Ing large data volumes, HPC, CI/CD, archiving, metadata extraction
Simulation reaktiver Thermo-Fluid Systeme Arne Scholitssek NFDI4Ing ---
Strömungsdynamik Yongqi Wang NFDI4Ing ---
Systemzuverlässigkeit, Adaptronik und Maschinenakustik Robert Feldmann NFDI-MatWerk, NFDI4Ing best practices for version control (git)
Technische Thermodynamik (TTD) Olaf Schumacher NFDI4Ing ---
Fluidsystemtechnik Andreas Noback NFDI4Ing ---

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Dept. 18)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Adaptive Lichttechnische Systeme und Visuelle Verarbeitung Elisabeth Kemmler --- ---
Computational Electromagnetics
Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder
Wolfgang F.O. Müller NFDI4Ing HPC, large data volume
E5 Manuel Schwenke --- ---
Leistungselektronik und Antriebsregelung Daniel Großmann --- ---
Mess- und Sensortechnik Jan Helge Dörsam NFDI4Ing HDF5, large data volume, sustainable source code
THz Bauelemente und Systeme
Neue Materialien Elektronik
Martin Schüßler NFDI4Ing, NFDI-MatWerk ---
Signalverarbeitung; Robust Data Science Fabian Scheidt --- ---
Echtzeitsysteme Ingo Heip --- ---

Computer Science (Dept. 20)

Group Name Email Relevant NFDI consortia Interests/Needs
Algorithmik Felix Gündling --- ---
Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group (ENCRYPTO) Nora Khayata
Jens Adler

--- ---
Intelligente Autonome Systeme (IAS) An Thái Lê --- ---
Modellierung und Analyse von Informationssystemen (MAIS) Tim Weißmantel --- ---
Parallel Programming
Scientific Computing
Taylan Özden NFDIxCS HPC
Secure Mobile Networking Lab (SEEMOO) Matthias Gazzari NFDI4DataScience, NFDIxCS, NFDI4Ing ELN, file formats, large data volumes, quality control, sustainable source code
Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (SIT) Carsten Schmidt
Fabian Kaiser

NFDIxCS metadata extraction, large data volumes
Data Sharing, Data Archiving
Telekooperation Ephraim Zimmer NFDI4DataScience, NFDIxCS, NFDI4Health HDF5, file formats, large data volumes, sustainable source code, sustainable evaluation
Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab Furkan Sahinuc NFDI4Ing HPC, large data volumes, sustainable source code
Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC) Tom Biselli NFDI4DataScience, Text+, KonsortSWD ---