Here are a few platforms and ways where you can find flats.
Dormitories of the Studierendenwerk Darmstadt
Residence of the Catholic University Community
Residence of the Protestant University Community
Offers from the Darmstädter Bauverein
Offers on various platforms such as: wg-gesucht, Ebay-Kleinanzeigen, immonet, immoelt, immoscout24.
Facebook: Groups like “Wohnungssuche Darmstadt”….
Private halls of residence such as Stolzehaus, Elementum
Notices in the student union from private landlords
Notices on the notice board in the refectory
Newspapers, such as the Darmstädter Echo…
Your student representatives often have contacts
friends, acquaintances …
We have no business relationship with the providers and accept no liability or responsibility for the content of the above-mentioned pages.
Beware of scammers!
When looking for a flat, you should be vigilant and careful, because in the competitive housing market there are sometimes attempts at fraud. Do not transfer money in advance and always make sure that you sign a serious rental contract. Read the advertisements carefully and look at the small print of the contracts.