Clean Circles Ph.D. Retreat 2023

Summary and impressions of meeting in Karlsruhe, 7–8 September 2023


This year's Clean Circles doctoral conference was held on September 7th and 8th. Doctoral students of the project met for two days in Karlsruhe at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. There was a diverse program: The participants presented their current scientific progress in short presentations, facilitating discussions about the results and the joint collaboration.

Besides a feedback round with the management of Clean Circles, a knowledge wiki was launched to improve networking and exchange. In addition to guided tours of the labs, the adjacent park and Karlsruhe Castle were also visited.

On the second day, lectures by invited guests were on the agenda. Matia Rimer (Fraunhofer ISI) presented on the topic of alternative chemical energy sources. Finally, the PhD students were able to hone their rhetoric skills in a seminar by Authentorik.