Influence of the local oxygen concentration on the combustion of iron particles

New publication in the journal Flow, Turbulence and Combustion


In a new publication by Clean Circles researchers, the processes in a turbulent mixing layer with iron particles are simulated with high fidelity.

Simulation results from the mixing layer between a cold, particle-laden flow and hot gas flow. The temperature (top) and oxygen concentration (bottom) are shown in false colors.

Clean Circles continues to explore the fundamental principles of iron combustion. In their new publication, T. D. Luu and co-authors use so-called direct numerical simulations to investigate the close connection between iron particle reaction rates and local oxygen depletion in turbulent mixing layers.

The article is available under open access.

The publication

T. D. Luu et al., “Carrier-Phase DNS of Ignition and Combustion of Iron Particles in a Turbulent Mixing Layer,” Flow Turbulence Combust, Feb. 2024, doi: 10.1007/s10494-023-00526-y.