Flexible codes and loci of visual working memory
Rosanne Rademaker

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Date: Wednesday, 13.07.22 17:00 CET


TU Darmstadt
Altes Hauptgebäude / Building S1|03, Room 223
Hochschulstraße 1, Darmstadt


Neural correlates of visual working memory have been found in early visual, parietal, and prefrontal regions. These findings have spurred fruitful debate over how and where in the brain memories might be represented. Here, I will present data from multiple experiments to demonstrate how a focus on behavioral requirements can unveil a more comprehensive understanding of the visual working memory system. Specifically, items in working memory must be maintained in a highly robust manner, resilient to interference. At the same time, storage mechanisms must preserve a high degree of flexibility in case of changing behavioral goals. Several examples will be explored in which visual memory representations are shown to undergo transformations, and even shift their cortical locus alongside their coding format based on specifics of the task.

Lab: www.rademakerlab.org