
Below you can find information on upcoming as well as past events that we hosted or were involved in

Ongoing/Upcoming Events

Past Events

Date Title Speaker
17.07.2024 Colloquium Talk: Complex perceptual decision making processes in humans Jozsef Fiser, Central European University, Vienna, Austria
10.07.2024 Colloquium Talk: Causal inference during motion perception, and its neural basis Ralf Haefner, University of Rochester
26.06.2024 Colloquium Talk: Context Aware Control: integrating Machine Learning and physics Informed modelling in Soft Wearable Robotics Lorenzo Masia, Uni Heidelberg
12.06.2024 Colloquium Talk: Hybrid Modeling with Artificial Neural Networks Reveals how Memory Shapes Human Reward-Guided Learning Maria Eckstein, Google DeepMind
05.06.2024 Colloquium Talk: Risking your Tail: Curiosity, Danger & Exploration Peter Dayan, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
22.05.2024 Colloquium Talk: A Computational Study of Shaping Toddler Vision and Object Semantics though Caregive Talk and Self-Supervised Learning Gemma Roig, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt & Hessian.AI
15.05.2024 Colloquium Talk: Learning and representing probabilities in the human brain Florent Meyniel, NeuroSpin & Institute for NeuroModulation, Sainte Anne Hospital in Paris
08.05.2024 Colloquium Talk: The maximum occupancy principle: complex behavior from intrinsic motivation to maximally occupy action-state and neuronal path space Rubén Moreno Bote, University Pompeu Fabra
03.05.2024 Talk: Extracting Reward Functions from Diffusion Models Tim Franzmeyer, Oxford University
02.05.2024 Talk: Reconciling Heuristic with Reinforcement Learning: Algorithms and Applications Zhang-Wei Hong, MIT
29.04.2024 Talk: Data-Driven Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems Using EDMD in the Koopman Framework Karl Worthmann, TU Illmenau
24.04.2024 Colloquium Talk: Feedback-induced dispositional changes in risk preferences Stefano Palminteri, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale & École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
17.04.2024 Colloquium Talk: The Computable Mathematics of Intelligence Tomaso Poggio, MIT
09.04.2024 Talk: Named Entity Recognition Using Foundation Large Language Models for Industrial Domains Yongjian Tang, Huawei
16.02.2024 Talk: Policy Optimization with Markovian Score Climbing Sahel Iqbal, Aalto University
07.02.2024 Colloquium Talk: Cognitive tools for uncovering useful abstractions Judy Fan, Stanford
31.01.2024 Colloquium Talk: More than just a data source and sink: on the role of the body in otherwise computationalist views of cognition Serge Thill, Donders Institute/Radboud University
24.01.2024 Talk: On Accelerating Deep and Bayesian Neural Architectures Holger Froening, Heidelberg University
24.01.2024 Colloquium Talk: Neural dynamics underlying Bayesian inference of time intervals Devika Narain, Erasmus University Medical Center
19.01.2024 Talk: Neuro-Cognitive Multilevel Causal Modeling – A Framework that Bridges the Explanatory Gap between Neuronal Activity and Cognition Moritz Grosse-Wentrup, Uni Wien
17.01.2024 Colloquium Talk: How does action influence perception? Bianca van Kemenade, Justus Liebig University Giessen
10.01.2024 Colloquium Talk: Forms of Prediction in the Human Visual System Christoph Teufel, Cardiff University
09.01.2024 Talk: Motions in Microseconds via Vectorized Sampling-Based Planning Wil Thomason, RICE
Date Title Speaker/Description
20.12.2023 Colloquium Talk: Controlling the present while planning the future: How the brain learns and produces fast motor sequences Speaker: Jörn Diedrichsen, University of Western Ontario
13.12.2023 Colloquium Talk: Causal inference in perceptual decision making: Behaviour, computations and neural mechanisms Speaker: Uta Noppeney, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen Netherlands
29.11.2023 Colloquium Talk: Predicting Memory from Images Speaker: Wilma Bainbridge, University of Chicago
22.11.2023 Colloquium Talk: A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: a “Turing test” case study Speaker: Peter Scarfe, University of Reading
15.11.2023 Colloquium Talk: Warning signals in nature: what’s in a pattern? Speaker: Julie Harris, University of St Andrews
08.11.2023 Colloquium Talk: Visual and visuo-motor confidence Speaker: Pascal Mamassian, CNRS and Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
06.11.2023 Talk: Adaptive Locomotion of Robots and Humans Speaker: Koh Hosoda, Kyoto University
03.11.2023 Talk: Quantum Machine Learning Speaker: Simon Eisenmann, TUM
01.11.2023 Colloquium Talk: Choice history bias as a window into cognition and neural circuits Speaker: Anne Urai, Leiden University
25.10.2023 Colloquium Talk: “Goodness” in visual perception and aesthetic appreciation Speaker: Eline Van Geert, KU Leuven; Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
20.10.2023 Talk: Learning generalizable robot skills for reactive control of dynamic and interactive tasks Speaker: Saumya Saxena, CMU
18.10.2023 Colloquium Talk: Guiding movements by constantly reconsidering one’s actions Speaker: Eli Brenner, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
04.09.2023 Talk: Effective learning of decision-aware world models Speaker: Claas Voelcker, University of Toronto
24.08.2023 Talk: Machine learning-based models of deformable linear objects for robotic manipulation Speaker: Piotr Kicki, Poznan University of Technology
24.08.2023 Talk: Learning Terrain Representation for Legged Robot Localization Speaker: Krzysztof Walas, Poznan University of Technology
20.07.2023 Talk: Neurosymbolic learning via Integration of (Relational) Planning and (Deep) RL Speaker: Sriraam Natarajan, University of Texas at Dallas
19.07.2023 Colloquium Talk: Neural Circuits for Reinforcement Learning and Mental Simulation Speaker: Kenji Doya, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
13.07.2023 Colloquium Talk: Information theory for the age of neural networks Speaker: Michael Wibral, Georg-August University Göttingen
12.07.2023 Colloquium Talk: Instance-Based Learning Theory of Decisions from Experience in Dynamic Environments Speaker: Cleotilde Gonzalez, Carnegie Mellon University
07.07.2023 Talk: Sampling from Gaussian Process Posteriors using Stochastic Gradient Descent Speaker: Jihao Andreas Lin, University of Cambridge
06.07.2023 Talk: Mathematics – key enabling technology for scientific machine learning Speaker: Wil Schilders, TU Eindhoven
05.07.2023 Colloquium Talk: Neural dynamics, adolescent synaptic pruning, and cognition Speaker: Bruno Averbeck, NIMH/NIH
28.06.2023 Colloquium Talk: Cortical hierarchies revisited: who is driving whom? Speaker: Ralf Galuske, TU Darmstadt
28.06.2023 Talk: 3D and energy-based inductive biases for robot manipulation Speaker: Katerina Fragkiadaki, Carnegie Mellon University
21.06.2023 Talk: PaLM-E – An Embodied Multimodal Language Model Speaker: Danny Driess, Google DeepMind
21.06.2023 Colloquium Talk: Basic and applied research on human metacognition Speaker: Monika Undorf, TU Darmstadt
19.06.2023 Talk: Control, Robustness, and Contact-Based Mechanics in Biped Locomotion Speaker: Tan Chen, Michigan Tech
16.06.2023 Talk: Reinforcement Learning with and for Musculoskeletal Systems Speaker: Pierre Schumacher, IMPRS-IS
14.06.2023 Colloquium Talk: Resource bounded agency in public goods games Speaker: Prakhar Godara, Max Planck Institute of Dynamics and Self Organisation
14.06.2023 Talk: Learning Meets Gravity: Robots that Embrace Dynamics from Pixels Speaker: Shuran Song, Columbia University
12.06.2023 Talk: Scaling Robot Learning Speaker: Krishan Rana, Queensland University of Technology
07.06.2023 Colloquium Talk: Analyzing ERPs under naturalistic conditions: from eye-movements to mobile EEG Speaker: Benedikt Ehinger, University of Stuttgart
02.06.2023 Talk: Reinforcement Learning in the RoboCup Simulation League and Intrinsic Goal-Conditioned Agents Speaker: Nico Bohlinger, Uni Frankfurt
31.05.2023 Colloquium Talk: Minds tracking minds: The computational basis of human social intelligence Speaker: Julian Jara-Ettinger, Yale University
24.05.2023 Colloquium Talk: Decision-making in dynamic, continuously evolving environments: quantifying the flexibility of human choice Speaker: Laurence Hunt, University of Oxford
17.05.2023 Colloquium Talk: Agent-based behavioral modeling Speaker: Dirk Ostwald, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
16.05.2023 Talk: Biological learning in a dynamic, uncertain world -- adapting to changing levels of noise Speaker: Moritz Moeller, University of Cambridge
10.05.2023 Colloquium Talk: Compositionality and culture Speaker: Charley Wu, University of Tübingen
03.05.2023 Colloquium Talk: From pattern to process: Can we infer processes of social learning from cultural frequency data? Speaker: Anne Kandler, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
26.04.2023 Colloquium Talk: Research on complex problem solving: Problems and solutions Speaker: Joachim Funke, Heidelberg University
26.04.2023 Talk: The Role of Intelligent Robotic Laboratory Assistants For Accelerating Material Discovery Speaker: Gabriella Pizzuto, Liverpool University
24.04.2023 Talk: Robot Planning and Manipulation for Small-Batch Manufacturing Speaker: Jack Collins, Oxford University
24.04.2023 Talk: Continual Learning for Affective Robotics Speaker: Nikhil Churamani, University of Cambridge
19.04.2023 Colloquium Talk: Learning through the eyes and ears of a child Speaker: Brenden Lake, New York University
12.04.2023 Colloquium Talk: Syntax and semantics in the age of large language models Speaker: Steve Piantadosi, UC Berkeley
27.03.2023 WhiteBox Symposium on Explainability Learn more
24.03.2023 Talk: Learning and Blending Robot Hugging Behaviors in Time and Space Speaker: Michael Drolet, Arizona State University
17.02.2023 Talk: Adaptive Domain Randomization for Sim-to-Real Transfer Speaker: Gabriele Tiboni, Politecnico di Torino
17.02.2023 Talk: Fun with Foundation Models and Amortized Inference Speaker: Frank Wood, University of British Columbia
08.02.2023 Talk: Risk Allocation for Motion Planning Under Uncertainty Speaker: Venkatraman Renganathan, Lund University
08.02.2023 Colloquium Talk: A Generative Model of Visual Foraging Speaker: Alasdair Clarke, University of Essex
03.02.2023 Talk: Towards Perceptive Lifelong Learning Speaker: Chao Ni, ETH Zürich
03.02.2023 Talk: Balance Control of Humanoid Robots Speaker: Ehsan Kouchaki Varnosfaderani, Isfahan University of Technology
01.02.2023 Colloquium Talk: Investigating Human-Machine Cooperation Speaker: Christiane Wiebel-Herboth, Honda Research Institute Europe
27.01.2023 Talk: Stochastic Dynamic Programming for Sequential Decision Making Problems Speaker: Ali Forootani, Max-Planck-Institut, Magdeburg
27.01.2023 Talk: Towards Learning Agile Locomotion and Manipulation Speaker: Melih Özcan, Middle East Technical University Ankara
25.01.2023 Colloquium Talk: Comparing lateral motion and motion-in-depth with continuous psychophysics Speaker: Joan López-Moliner, Universitat de Barcelona
20.01.2023 Talk: Deep Reinforcement Learning to Optimize Task Performance in Physical Human-Robot Co-Manipulation Speaker: Berk Güler, Koç University Istanbul
18.01.2023 Colloquium Talk: The intricacies of human hand movements: Studying the links between perception, action, and cognition Speaker: Constanze Hesse, University of Aberdeen
11.01.2023 Colloquium Talk: Using self-relevance to understand social and perceptual-cognitive processes – an example of applied transdisciplinarity Speaker: Meike Scheller, Durham University
Date Title Speaker/Description
21.12.2022 Colloquium Talk: Quantifying confidence in perception and knowledge Speaker: Matteo Lisi, Royal Holloway, University of London
14.12.2022 Colloquium Talk: The unreasonable recalcitrance of human vision to theoretical domestication Speaker: Peter Neri, École normale supérieure
09.12.2022 Talk: Safe and Certified Reinforcement Learning with Logical Constraints Speaker: Hosein Hasanbeig, University of Oxford
08.12.2022 Symposium: Explaining adaptive vision Learn more
07.12.2022 Colloquium Talk: Vibrotactile technology for communication Speaker: Myrthe Plaisier, TU Eindhoven
30.11.2022 Colloquium Talk: Depth, Segmentation and Motion-in-Depth Speaker: Ross Goutcher, University of Stirling
28.11.2022 Talk: Smart Control Strategies for Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robots Speaker: Radhe Shyam, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
23.11.2022 Colloquium Talk: Understanding naturalistic vision in the human brain using computational models Speaker: Iris Groen, University of Amsterdam
16.11.2022 Colloquium Talk: Leveraging Computer Vision and Machine Learning to Understand Human Face Processing Speaker: Angela Yu, TU Darmstadt
09.11.2022 Colloquium Talk: Understanding the integration of knowledge and working memory with computational models Speaker: Brad Wyble, Penn State University
02.11.2022 Talk: Human-allied sequential decision-making Speaker: Sriraam Natarajan, University of Texas at Dallas
02.11.2022 Colloquium Talk: Principles of neuroscience in color Speaker: Bevil Conway, NIH
28.10.2022 Talk: Reinforcement Learning for Agile Drone Flight Speaker: Yunlong Song, Uni Zürich / ETH Zürich
21.10.2022 Talk: New developments at Learning Muscular Robots Speaker: Dieter Buechler, Max-Planck-Institut Tübingen
19.10.2022 Colloquium Talk: Interactions between vision and haptics in active shape perception Speaker: Loes van Dam, TU Darmstadt
13.10.2022 Talk: Objective function with multiple extrema in robot learning Speaker: Takayuki Osa, University of Tokyo
23.09.2022 Talk: Recent advances in robust machine learning Speaker: Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project
05.09.2022 Symposium 2: Flexible Representations for Human(-like) Problem Solving Speaker: Thea Behrens, Centre for Cognitive Science TU Darmstadt
Conference: KogWis 2022 @ Uni Freiburg
01.09.2022 Talk: Self-improving robotic scene understanding Speaker: Hermann Blum, ETH Zurich
07.07.2022 Talk: Robotics at Google Speaker: Pete Florence, Google Research
06.07.2022 Talk: Autonomous Vehicles on the Edge – Learning to drive fast and accurate at the vehicle dynamics limits Speaker: Johannes Betz, University of Pennsylvania
04.07.2022 Talk: Self-organizing principles in locomotion Speaker: Claudius Gros, Goethe University Frankfurt
01.07.2022 Talk: Learning for Motion Planning Speaker: Piotr Kicki, Poznan University of Technology
30.05.2022 Talk: Every task is a learning task (and should be treated as such) Speaker: C. Shawn Green, University Wisconsin Madison
27.05.2022 Talk: A Not So Simple Matter of Software Speaker: Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
16.05.2022 Talk: Safe Learning-based Control for Mechanical Systems Speaker: Thomas Beckers, University of Pennsylvania
22.04.2022 Talk: Learning Navigation for Arbitrary Mobile Manipulation Motions in Unseen and Dynamic Environments Speaker: Tim Welschehold, Uni Freiburg
06-08.04.2022 GK Doctoral Symposium on Cognitive Science Topic: Perspectives on Learning
28.03.2022 Talk: NeuTouch – Improving Mobile Manipulation Performance using Tactile Sensors Speaker: Luca Lach, PAL Robotics Uni Bielefeld
25.02.2022 Talk: Growing Neural Networks using Natural Gradients Speaker: Rupert Mitchell, TU Darmstadt, AIML group, project WhiteBox
16.02.2022 Colloquium Talk: Machine learning for measuring and modeling the motor system Speaker: Mackenzie Mathis, EPFL
11.02.2022 Talk: Machine Learning and Model Predictive Control for Adaptive Robotic Systems Speaker: Byron Boots, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and NVIDIA Research
09.02.2022 Colloquium Talk: From natural scene statistics to multisensory integration: experiments, models and applications Speaker: Cesare Parise, University of Liverpool
02.02.2022 Colloquium Talk: Predicting appearances Speaker: Sylvia Pont, Delft University of Technology
26.01.2022 Colloquium Talk: Separable pupillary signatures of perception and action during perceptual multistability Speaker: Jan Brascamp, Michigan State University
21.01.2022 Talk: Learning to Walk in Minutes Using Massively Parallel Deep Reinforcement Learning Speaker: Nikita Rudin, NVIDIA and ETH Zurich
12.01.2022 Colloquium Talk: Body Representation in Virtual Reality Speaker: Mel Slater, Universitat de Barcelona
07.01.2022 Talk: Towards an Understanding of Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning Domains Speaker: Aldo Pacchiano, Microsoft Research NYC
Date Title Speaker
17.12.2021 Talk: Learning ODEs via Diffeomorphisms for Fast and Robust Integration Speaker: Weiming Zhi, University of Sydney
15.12.2021 Colloquium Talk: Why would we need Cognitive Science to develop better Collaborative Robots and AI Systems? Speaker: Dorothea Koert, TU Darmstadt
10.12.2021 Talk: Deep probabilistic regression Speaker: Thomas B. Schön, Uppsala University
08.12.2021 Colloquium Talk: The self-consistent nature of visual perception Speaker: Alan Stocker, University of Pennsylvania
03.12.2021 Talk: BEHAVIOR and iGibson 2.0: Benchmark for Everyday Household Activities in Virtual, Interactive, and Ecological Environments Speaker: Chengshu (Eric) Li, Stanford University
01.12.2021 Colloquium Talk: Neural network models of binocular depth perception Speaker: Paul Hibbard, University of Essex
24.11.2021 Colloquium Talk: The dynamics of temporal attention Speaker: Rachel Denison, Boston University
17.11.2021 Colloquium Talk: Looking and listening while moving Speaker: Tom Freeman, Cardiff University
10.11.2021 Colloquium Talk: The bounded rationality of probability distortion Speaker: Laurence T Maloney, New York University
04.11.2021 Colloquium Talk: Contextual influences of perceptual inferences Speaker: Will Harrison, University of Queensland
29.10.2021 Invited Talk: Challenges of in-hand manipulation Speaker: Andy Morgan, Yale University
27.10.2021 Colloquium Talk: Learning to see Stuff Speaker: Kate Storrs, Justus Liebig University Giessen
20.10.2021 Colloquium Talk: Demystifying the richness of visual perception Speaker: Ruth Rosenholtz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
23.09.2021 Talk: Perspectives on Active Inference for continuous control in POMDPs Speaker: Beren Millidge, University of Oxford
20.09.2021 Talk: Optimistic Exploration in Model-based Reinforcement Learning Speaker: Felix Berkencamp, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
16.09.2021 Talk: Neural Dynamic Policies Speaker: Shikhar Bahl, Carnegie Mellon University
22.07.2021 Talk: Differentiable Trust Region Layers for Deep Reinforcement Learning Speaker: Fabian Otto, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
14.07.2021 Colloquium Talk: Understanding Perceptual Priors with Massive Online Experiments Speaker: Nori Jacoby, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
07.07.2021 Colloquium Talk: Using extra-hippocampal cognitive maps for goal-directed spatial navigation Speaker: Hiroshi Ito, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
30.06.2021 Colloquium Talk: Age-related changes in visual perception – decline or experience? Speaker: Karin Pilz, University of Groningen
09.06.2021 Colloquium Talk: Faces influence saccade programming Speaker: Nathalie Guyader, Grenoble Institute of Technology
02.06.2021 Colloquium Talk: Models of Core Knowledge (Physics, Really) Speaker: Tomer Ullman, Harvard University
27.05.2021 Talk: Practical applications of active inference Speaker: Alec Tschantz, University of Sussex
26.05.2021 Colloquium Talk: Bayesian distributional regression models for cognitive science Speaker: Paul Bürkner, University of Stuttgart
19.05.2021 Colloquium Talk: Learning to perceive with new sensory signal Speaker: Marko Nardini, Durham University
17.05.2021 Talk: Robust Learning for Safe Control Speaker: Nikolai Matni, University of Pennsylvania
12.05.2021 Colloquium Talk: Reverse engineering behavioral costs and benefits with in human visuomotor behavior Speaker: Constantin Rothkopf, TU Darmstadt
05.05.2021 Colloquium Talk: Bayesian Reverse-Engineering of Perception and Cognition Speaker: Frank Jäkel, TU Darmstadt
28.04.2021 Colloquium Talk: Understanding “why”: The role of causality in cognition Speaker: Tobias Gerstenberg, Stanford University
22.04.2021 Talk: Constrained probabilistic movement primitives Speaker: Felix Frank, VW Data Labs
21.04.2021 Colloquium Talk: Visual interactions with motor control Speaker: Loes van Dam, University of Essex
14.04.2021 Colloquium Talk: On science in academia and industry: a recent perspective Speaker: Thomas Wallis, TU Darmstadt
10.02.2021 Talk: What to consider, when making strategic social decisions? An Eye-tracking investigation. Speaker: Susann Fiedler, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
03.02.2021 Talk: Theory-driven probabilistic modeling of language use: a case study on quantifiers, logic and typicality Speaker: Michael Franke, University of Osnabrück
28.01.2021 Talk: Feature-Based Transfer Learning for Robotic Push Manipulation Speaker: Claudio Zito, Autonomous Robotics Research Centre (ARRC), Technology Innovation Institute (TII)
27.01.2021 Talk: Exploration beyond bandits Speaker: Eric Schulz, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
20.01.2021 Talk: Uncertainty in learning and decision making Speaker: Maarten Speekenbrink, University College London
13.01.2021 Talk: Cognitive Psychometrics: Statistical Modeling of Individual Differences in Latent Processes Speaker: Daniel Heck, Philipps University of Marburg
Date Title Speaker
16.12.2020 Talk: Generalization guided exploration Speaker: Charley Wu, University of Tübingen
25.11.2020 Talk: A computational explanation for domain specificity in the human brain Speaker: Katharina Dobs, Giessen University
18.11.2020 Talk: Neural basis of metacognitive monitoring Speaker: Elisa Filevich, Humboldt University of Berlin
11.11.2020 Talk: Task-specific Vision DNN Models and Their Relation for Explaining Different Areas of the Visual Cortex Speaker: Gemma Roig, Goethe University Frankfurt
04.11.2020 Talk: Pavlovian sign- and goal-tracking in humans reflects model-free and model-based learning Speaker: Daniel Schad, Tilburg University
29.10.2020 Talk: Logistic Q-Learning Speaker: Gergely Neu, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
01.10.2020 Talk: Safe Learning Control: What is out there and what is not? Speaker: Okan Koc, Amazon
17.09.2020 Talk: Learning to do as planned Speaker: Marc Toussaint, TU Berlin
10.09.2020 Talk: Dexterous Cooperation Speaker: Michael Gienger, Honda Research Institute
27.08.2020 Talk: Phase portraits as movement primitives for fast humanoid robot control Speaker: Guilherme Maeda, Preferred Networks
20.08.2020 Talk: Learning Stability Certificates from Data Speaker: Stephen Tu, Google Brain
13.08.2020 Talk: Model Identification for Robotic Manipulation Speaker: Abdeslam Boularias, Rutgers U
06.08.2020 Talk: Fast Learning and Sequencing of Object-centric Robot Manipulation Skills Speaker: Andras Kupcik, BCAI
30.07.2020 Talk: Motion Planning by Learning Latent Representations Speaker: Takayuki Osa, Kyushu Institute of Technology
28.07.2020 Talk: Graph Nets and Equivariance: The Next Generation Speaker: Max Welling, University of Amsterdam / VP Technologies at Qualcomm
17.07.2020 Talk: Dexterous Cooperation Speaker: Michael Gienger, Honda Research Institute
09.07.2020 Talk: Robots Learning [Through] Interactions Speaker: Jens Kober, TU Delft
18.06.2020 Talk: Scalable and Probabilistically Complete Planning for Robotic Spatial Extrusion Speaker: Yijiang Huang, Digital Structures Group, Department of Architecture, MIT
18.06.2020 Talk: Rethinking Model-based Reinforcement Learning Speaker: Roberto Calandra, Facebook
11.06.2020 Talk: Learning heuristics for combinatorial optimization Speaker: Herke van Hoof, University of Amsterdam
04.06.2020 Talk: Reinforcement Learning Based Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Alignment for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Speaker: Yang Weng, University of Tokyo
28.05.2020 Talk: Safe active learning for time series modeling with gaussian processes Speaker: Christoph Zimmer, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI)
30.04.2020 Talk: Active Meta-Learning Speaker: Jean Kaddour, Imperial College London
25.02.2020 Talk: Can passive elastic exoskeletons improve walking economy in aging? Speaker: Gregory S. Sawicki, Georgia Institute of Technology
12.02.2020 Talk: Replay and Preplay in Human Planning Speaker: Peter Dayan, MPI for Biological Cybernetics
11.02.2020 Talk: Towards Robots that Hug and Help – Motor Skill Learning for Physical Interaction Speaker: Heni Ben Amor, Arizona State University
29.01.2020 Talk: Robot Navigation in Human Environments Speaker: Maren Bennewitz, University of Bonn
23.01.2020 Talk: How Concepts of Computation Complicate Conquering Intelligence Speaker: Oliver Brock, TU Berlin
06.01.2020 Talk: Robust Learning and Control without Prior Knowledge Speaker: Dimitar Ho, California Institute of Technology
Date Title Speaker
19.12.2019 Talk: Combining Long- and Short-term Predictions in Q-learning Speaker: Joschka Boedecker, University of Freiburg
16.12.2019 Talk: Practical Robot Skill Learning for Manipulation and Locomotion Speaker: Petar Komurshev, Imperial College London
04.12.2019 Talk: Integrated view on perceptual and statistical learning in vision József Fiser, Central European University Budapest
29.11.2019 Title: Tools for Reproducible Research on Learning Robots Speaker: Nicolai Anton Lynnerup, Danish Technological Institute
21.11.2019 Talk: Representation Learning under Incomplete and Imprecise Information Conditions Speaker: Hamid Eghbal-Zadeh, Johannes Kepler University, Linz
20.11.2019 Talk: Putting together the Puzzle of Multisensory Perception Speaker: Marc Ernst, University of Ulm
10.09.2019 Talk: ImPACT Tough Robotics Challenge – Results of a national project of disaster robotics Speaker: Satoshi Tadokoro, Tohoku University
03.07.2019 Talk: Gaits and Natural Dynamics in Robotic Legged Locomotion Speaker: C. David Remy, University of Stuttgart
21.06.2019 Talk: Machine Learning for Systems Speaker: Azalia Mirhoseini, Google Brain
15.05.2019 Talk: Brain circuitry mechanisms for sensorimotor control Speaker: Henrik Jörntell, Lund University
07.05.2019 Talk: Neurorobotics of Human Postural Control Speaker: Thomas Mergner, Neurologische Klinik, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
30.04.2019 Talk: How can Bio-robotics Help Understand Legged Locomotion? Speaker: Alexander Spröwitz, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart
09.04.2019 Talk: Optimizing the Design of Assistive Devices with Predictive Gait Simulations Speaker: Frank Sup, University of Massachusetts Amherst
02.04.2019 Talk: Resolving Functions of Motor Cortex Circuits for Movement Control Speaker: Christian Leukel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
26.03.2019 Talk: Controlling Body Balance with Light Interpersonal Tactile Support Speaker: Leif Johannsen, RWTH Aachen
25.03.2019 Talk: Harnessing Movement Variability to Treat and Prevent Motor Related Disorders Speaker: Nicholas Stergiou, University of Nebraska Omaha
19.02.2019 Talk: Generative Modelling & Tracking of Moving Objects with Attention Mechanisms Speaker: Adam Kosiorek, Oxford
11.02.2019 5. rmn² lecture: Die automatische Datenanalyse: Mensch und Maschine Speaker: Kristian Kersting, TU Darmstadt
31.01.2019 Talk: Reinforcement Learning for Biomimetic Robot Swarms Speaker: Tim Landgraf, FU Berlin
Date Title Speaker/Description
11.12.2018 Talk: The role of postural adjustments in motor coordination in humans Speaker: Charlotte Le Mouel, Max Plank Institute, Stuttgart
19.11.2018 Talk: In large scale movements with a common goal humans use common postures Speaker: Dana Ballard, University of Texas in Austin
25.10.2018 Talk: Deep X: Deep Learning with Deep Knowledge Speaker: Volker Tresp, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
24.10.2018 Talk: Shared Autonomy – The Future of Interactive Robotics Speaker: Sethu Vijayakumar FRSE, University of Edinburgh
22.10.2018 Talk: Artificial haptic intelligence for human-machine systems Speaker: Veronica J. Santos, University of California in Los Angeles
01.10.2018 Talk: The New Wave in Robot Grasping Speaker: Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley
KogWis 2018 / Computational Approaches to Cognitive Science
The 14th biannual conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, GK
31.08.2018 Talk: How to walk on two legs: neural control of balance during walking in humans Speaker: Jan Hendrik Reimann, University of Delaware
17.08.2018 Talk: Soft Humanoid Robotics Speaker: Prof. Koh Hosoda, Osaka University
13.07.2018 Talk: Modeling human locomotion control and its applications Speaker: Seungmoon Song, Standford University
06.06.2018 Talk: The Peculiarities of Robotic Embodiment Speaker: Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten, RWTH Aachen
15.05.2018 Talk: Acute and interventional effects of exercise training on postural control in seniors: Applicability of novel training approaches Speaker: Lars Donath, DSHS Köln
14.05.2018 Talk: Risk in Reinforcement Learning: Nothing ventured nothing gained Speaker: Shie Mannor, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
08.05.2018 Talk: Introduction to Deep Learning with Apache MxNet Gluon Speaker: Steffen Rochel, Amazon AI / Amazon Web Services
07.05.2018 Talk: Autonome Systeme in der Produktion Speaker: Debora Clever, ABB Corporate Research Center
06.04.2018 Talk: Machine Learning from Weak Supervision – Towards Accurate Classification with Low Labeling Costs Speaker: Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project / University of Tokyo
28.02.2018 Talk: Estimation, Optimization & Control Speaker: Stefan Löckel, Porsche AG
23.01.2018 Talk: Design and Control of Minitaur, a Direct-drive Quadrupedal Robot Speaker: Daniel Blackman, Florida State University
18.01.2018 Talk: Status Update – What I Did at RIKEN Speaker: Simone Parisi, TU Darmstadt
18.01.2018 Talk: Songbird song learning through the lens of reinforcement learning Speaker: Gagan Narula, Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), Zurich
10.01.2018 CoCoTalks – Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Science: The neural correlates of expectation and consciousness as revealed by laminar and columnar fMRI at 7+ Tesla Speaker: Rainer Goebel, Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht University
Date Title Speaker/Description
21.12.2017 Talk: Robot learning in a dynamic environment and grasping under post-grasp objectives Speaker: Amir Ghalamzan, University of Birmingham
21.12.2017 Talk: Multilingual and Multimodal Natural Language Processing Speaker: Desmond Elliot, University of Edinburgh
19.12.2017 Talk: Machine Learning for Estimating Robust Control Laws Speaker: Aude Billard, EPFL – École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
18.12.2017 Talk: Learning Complex Robot-Environment Interactions Speaker: Jens Kober, TU Delft
06.12.2017 CoCoTalks – Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Science: Comparing deep neural networks against humans – object recognition with weak signals Speaker: Felix Wichmann, Universität Tübingen
22.11.2017 Talk: Vision for Mobile Robot Systems: From Saliency to Object Discovery Speaker: Simone Frintrop, Uni Hamburg
20.11.2017 32. Darmstädter Sport-Forum
Talk: Wie kann Robotik den Menschen unterstützen?
Speaker: Robert Riener, ETH Zürich
32. Darmstädter Sport-Forum Sport ohne Grenzen: Wege der Integration, der Inklusion und der individuellen Entwicklung
18.10.2017 CoCoTalks – Distinguished Lectures in Cognitive Science: Machine Learning – from probability densities to robotics Speaker: Patrick van der Smagt, Volkswagen Group AI Research, Munich
22.08.2017 Talk: Probabilistic Deep Learning: From Density Estimation to Representation Learning Speaker: Sebastian Nowozin, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
10.08.2017 Talk: Efficient Lifelong Machine Learning: an Online Multi-Task Learning Perspective Speaker: Eric Eaton, University of Pennsylvania
22.06.2017 Talk: Active information gathering for mobile robots Speaker: Mikko Lauri, University of Hamburg
13.07.2017 Talk: Interactive Learning of Continuous Actions from Corrective Advice Communicated by Humans Speaker: Carlos Celemin, University of Chile, Santiago
12.06.2017 Talk: Learning from Big Code Speaker: Miltos Allamanis, Microsoft Research, Cambridge
29.05.2017 Talk: Space, time and human motion: Riemannian geometric approach to human arm dynamics, optimization and invariance Speaker: Armin Biess; The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
18.05.2017 Talk: Learning from demonstrations, intentional and sub-intentional Bayesian methods Speaker: Heinz Koeppl, Centre for Cognitive Science / ETIT, TU Darmstadt
27.04.2017 Talk: Towards Adaptive Mobile Manipulations Speaker: Senka Krivic, Universit„t Innsbruck
28.03.2017 Talk: Motion Control and Language Generation from Stochastic Symbols Speaker: Wataru Takano, University of Tokyo
22.03.2017 Talk: Neural Engineering – Restoring, Replacing, and Extending Cognition Speaker: Moritz Grosse-Wentrup, Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen
03.03.2017 Talk: Robot learning for manipulation – Imitation, interaction, and reinforcement learning Speaker: Takayuki Osa, TU Darmstadt
21.02.2017 Talk: Control of Dynamic Legged Locomotion Based on Spring-Mass Models Speaker: Mohammad Shahbazi, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)
14.02.2017 Talk: Deep Learning for Robot Navigation and Perception Speaker: Wolfram Burgard, Freiburg University
19.01.2017 Talk: Self-calibration of sensorimotor loops in active perception Speaker: Jochen Triesch, FIAS – Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies
19.01.2017 Talk: (Commonsense) Knowledge, Language, and Answering Questions Speaker: Benjamin Van Durme, Johns Hopkins University
Date Title Description
28.09-30.09.2016 DVS 2016 11th joint Conference on Motor Control & Learning, Biomechanics & Training, Human Movement and Technology,
14.04.2016 2016 Workshop on Cognitive Science – Day 2 Location: TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstr. 1 (S01|03), Agenda: Action Day – Actions & Decision Making / Actions & Motor Learning / Actions, Signals & Machine Learning / Actions & Motor Control
13.04.2016 2016 Workshop on Cognitive Science – Day 1 Location: TU Darmstadt, Magdalenenstraáe 8 (S01|20), Agenda: Perception Day – Perception & Vision / Spatial Perception / Perception & Machine Learning / Perception & Neural Representation