Analyzing ERPs under naturalistic conditions: from eye-movements to mobile EEG
Benedikt Ehinger

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Date: Wednesday, 07.06.23 17:00 CET

Location: Building S1|03 Room 223


Have you ever wondered what goes on inside your brain when you read a book, listen to music, or walk around a city? My group is interested in studying the brain's activity in these types of real-world settings, outside the constraints of more traditional experiments. This research area presents many technical and conceptual challenges, particularly in relation to combining eye-movements with brain activity. To address these challenges, we are developing, simulating and evaluating statistical modeling tools that allow us to analyze brain potentials and investigate the relationship between eye-movements and brain activity in naturalistic paradigms. Our tools have the potential to inform fields ranging from human-computer interaction to cognitive psychology or neuroergonomics.

In this talk, specifically, I will introduce to you the concepts behind modeling combined EEG/Eye-Tracking Data with regression ERPs and give a sneak peek into MixedModelPermutations.jl, which ultimately allows performing cluster-permutation tests for such hierarchical models powered by the Julia scientific programming language.