
Photo Name Institute/Research Group Contact
Prof. Dr. Karsten Albe
Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Materials Modelling
Prof. Dr. Christian Bischof
Department of Computer Science, Scientific Computing
Dr.-Ing. Henning Bonart
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Control and uncertainty quantification in microfluidics
Prof. Dr. Dieter Bothe
Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena
Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yves Burkhardt
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electrical Drive Systems
Prof. Georgia Chalvatzaki
Department of Computer Science, Intelligent robotic systems for assistance (iROSA)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Debora Clever
Robotic Systems
Dr.-Ing. Laura D'Angelo
Computational Magnet Analysis and Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem
Coordinator Computational Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electromagnetic Field Theory
Prof. Dr. Yann Disser
Department of Mathematics, Optimization
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Control and Cyber-Physical Systems
Prof. Dr. Jan Giesselmann
Department of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis
PD Dr. Erion Gjonaj
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electromagnetic Field Theory
Prof. Dr. Reiner Hähnle
Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse
Coordinator Carbon Neutral Circles
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Hübler
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Data-infused Modeling in Structural Dynamics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeanette Hussong
Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics
Apl.Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suad Jakirlic
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics
Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Kannapinn
Digital Twin, Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction, Autonomous Processes, Reduced Order Modeling
Dr.-Ing. Magnus Kircher
Simulation of internal combustion engines incorporating knocking combustion modeling
Prof. Dr. Heinz Koeppl
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Self-Organizing Systems
Dr.-Ing. Florian Kummer
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Numerical methods and simulations
Prof. Dr. Jens Lang
Department of Mathematics, Numerics of partial differential equations
Dr.-Ing. Dimitrios Loukrezis
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Scientific Machine Learning
Dr.-Ing. Jan Machaček
Head of numerical geotechnics
Dr.-Ing. Tomislav Maric
Department of Mathematics, Lagrangian/Eulerian numerical methods for multiphase flows
Dr.-Ing. Holger Marschall
Department of Mathematics, Computational Multiphase Flow
Dr.-Ing. Melina Merkel
Simulation and Shape Optimization of Electric Machines with Isogeometric Analysis
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ralf Müller
Institute for Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Munteanu
Theory of electromagnetic fields
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Oberlack
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Dynamics
Prof. Jan Peters
Coordinator, profile topic Artificial Intelligence
Department of Computer Science, Intelligent Autonomous Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steven Peters
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering
Prof. Dr. Marc Pfetsch
Department of Mathematics, Optimization
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Puder
Adaptive systems in speech and audio signal processing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Rüppel
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schäfer
Coordinator Computational Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Schillinger
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Numerical Mechanics
PD Dr. Kersten Schmidt
Numerics and scientific computing
Dr. Benedikt Schmitz
Modeling and simulation of the laser acceleration of ions
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schöps
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computational Electromagnetics
Dr.-Ing. Yvonne Späck-Leigsnering
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Quasistatistics in Computational Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical Thermodynamics
Prof. Dr. Tabea Tscherpel
Department of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich
Department of Mathematics, Optimization
Prof. Oskar von Stryk
Department of Computer Science, Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Weeger
Coordinator Computational Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cyber-Physical Simulation
Prof. Felix Wolf
Department of Computer Science, Parallel Programming
Prof. Dr. Bai-Xiang Xu
Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Mechanics of Functional Materials
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauke Zachert
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Geotechnics
Prof. Dr. Hongbin Zhang
Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Theory of Magnetic Materials
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Li Zhang
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hardware for Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Abdelhak Zoubir
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Signal Processing