Photo | Name | Institute/Research Group | Contact |
| Prof. Dr. Karsten Albe | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Materials Modelling | karsten.albe@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Christian Bischof | Department of Computer Science, Scientific Computing | christian.bischof@tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Henning Bonart | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Control and uncertainty quantification in microfluidics | bonart@nmf.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Dieter Bothe Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena | Department of Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis | bothe@mma.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yves Burkhardt | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electrical Drive Systems | yves.burkhardt@eas.tu-... |
| Prof. Georgia Chalvatzaki | Department of Computer Science, Intelligent robotic systems for assistance (iROSA) | georgia.chalvatzaki@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Debora Clever | Robotic Systems | clever@ims.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Laura D'Angelo | Computational Magnet Analysis and Dynamics | dangelo@temf.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herbert De Gersem Coordinator Computational Engineering | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electromagnetic Field Theory | degersem@temf.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Yann Disser | Department of Mathematics, Optimization | disser@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Control and Cyber-Physical Systems | rolf.findeisen@iat.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jan Giesselmann | Department of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis | giesselmann@mathematik.tu-... |
| PD Dr. Erion Gjonaj | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Electromagnetic Field Theory | gjonaj@temf.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Reiner Hähnle | Department of Computer Science, Software Engineering | haehnle@informatik.tu-... |
Picture: Patrick Bal
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Hasse Coordinator Carbon Neutral Circles | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems | hasse@stfs.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Clemens Hübler | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Data-infused Modeling in Structural Dynamics | clemens.huebler@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jeanette Hussong Coordinator Thermo-Fluids and Interfacial Phenomena | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics | hussong@sla.tu-... |
| Apl.Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Suad Jakirlic | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics | jakirlic@sla.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Maximilian Kannapinn | Digital Twin, Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction, Autonomous Processes, Reduced Order Modeling | kannapinn@fnb.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Magnus Kircher | Simulation of internal combustion engines incorporating knocking combustion modeling | kircher@stfs.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Heinz Koeppl | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Self-Organizing Systems | heinz.koeppl@bcs.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Florian Kummer | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Numerical methods and simulations | kummer@fdy.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Jens Lang | Department of Mathematics, Numerics of partial differential equations | lang@mathematik.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Dimitrios Loukrezis | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Scientific Machine Learning | loukrezis@temf.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Jan Machaček | Head of numerical geotechnics | jan.machacek@tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Tomislav Maric | Department of Mathematics, Lagrangian/Eulerian numerical methods for multiphase flows | maric@mma.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Holger Marschall | Department of Mathematics, Computational Multiphase Flow | marschall@mma.tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Melina Merkel | Simulation and Shape Optimization of Electric Machines with Isogeometric Analysis | merkel@temf.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Ralf Müller | Institute for Mechanics, Continuum Mechanics | ralf.mueller@mechanik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Munteanu | Theory of electromagnetic fields | munteanu@temf.tu-... |
Picture: Katrin Binner
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Martin Oberlack | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fluid Dynamics | office@fdy.tu-... |
| Prof. Jan Peters Coordinator, profile topic Artificial Intelligence | Department of Computer Science, Intelligent Autonomous Systems | jan.peters@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steven Peters | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering | steven.peter@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Marc Pfetsch | Department of Mathematics, Optimization | pfetsch@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Henning Puder | Adaptive systems in speech and audio signal processing | |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Rüppel | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering | rueppel@iib.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Schäfer Coordinator Computational Engineering | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering | schaefer@fnb.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Schillinger | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Numerical Mechanics | schillinger@mechanik.tu-... |
| PD Dr. Kersten Schmidt | Numerics and scientific computing | kschmidt@mathematik.tu-... |
| Dr. Benedikt Schmitz | Modeling and simulation of the laser acceleration of ions | bschmitz@ikp.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schöps | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computational Electromagnetics | sebastian.schoeps@tu-... |
| Dr.-Ing. Yvonne Späck-Leigsnering | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Quasistatistics in Computational Engineering | spaeck@temf.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Stephan | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical Thermodynamics | pstephan@ttd.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Tabea Tscherpel | Department of Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | tscherpel@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Stefan Ulbrich | Department of Mathematics, Optimization | ulbrich@mathematik.tu-... |
| Prof. Oskar von Stryk | Department of Computer Science, Simulation, Systems Optimization and Robotics | stryk@sim.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Weeger Coordinator Computational Engineering | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Cyber-Physical Simulation | weeger@cps.tu-... |
| Prof. Felix Wolf | Department of Computer Science, Parallel Programming | felix.wolf@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Bai-Xiang Xu | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Mechanics of Functional Materials | xu@mfm.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauke Zachert | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Geotechnics | hauke.zachert@tu-... |
| Prof. Dr. Hongbin Zhang | Department of Materials- and Geosciences, Theory of Magnetic Materials | hzhang@tmm.tu-... |
| Prof. Dr.-Ing. Li Zhang | Department of Electrical Engineering, Hardware for Artificial Intelligence | grace.zhang@tu-... |
| Prof. Abdelhak Zoubir | Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Signal Processing | zoubir@spg.tu-... |