Careers in industry: Airbus & Commerzbank (January 14th, 2024)


You are planning a career in industry?

In this Ingenium event we show and discuss how different career paths in industry can look like!

Our guests are two former doctoral candidates from engineering and natural sciences of TU Darmstadt, who now work in innovative fields in project management and data science in the aviation and financing sector.

They will talk about their individual career development and provide insights into their application process, the transition from university research to an industrial setting their work contents, as well as current topics and innovations in their fields.

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussions about career strategies with a doctorate.

Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdocs (TU Darmstadt and RMU)


  • Dr. Alexander Großmann I Project Manager at AIRBUS (PhD in Mechanical Engineering at TU Darmstadt 2020)
  • Dr. Marc Leonhardt I Senior Data Scientist @ Big Data & Advanced Analytics, COMMERZBANK AG (PhD in Theoretical Physics at TU Darmstadt 2019)

Language: English

Date/time: Tuesday, January 14th, 2025 I 05:00 – 07:00 pm

Location: S1|21 Ingenium House (Magdalenenstr. 25), Room A105

Registration: Please fill in the Ingenium registration form

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