Ingenium Research Fellowship

Do you want to integrate an outstanding Early Career Researcher (ECR) from another university/research institution into your research project at TU Darmstadt? Is your intention to deepen existing contacts with an ECR and expand scientific collaboration? Can you consider using the fellowship to explore longer-term career perspectives for the ECR(s) at TU Darmstadt?

The Ingenium Research Fellowship enables professors to involve highly talented ECRs with PhD / doctoral degree into TU Darmstadt research in an outstanding way. The tasks of the Fellow can be, but are not limited to, the examples given below:

  • They complement the research of one or more research groups or a research network.
  • They contribute non-existing competencies to a research group or a research network.
  • They actively participate in research and joint publications.
  • They participate in an active way in scientific meetings, symposia, summer schools, etc. at TU Darmstadt.
  • They prepare a longer-term career at TU Darmstadt, e.g. a proposal for the acquisition of an own junior research group.
Who can apply? One or more professors can submit applications for a fellowship. It is preferred that the application for the fellowship is supported by several research groups or a research network.

The duration of the fellowship is min. six months and max. two years and depends on the tasks and goals of the fellowship. An extension is possible in justified cases.

The Ingenium Research Fellow Programme requires the fellow to spend part of his/her time on site at TU Darmstadt. The minimum stay at TU Darmstadt is four weeks per six months of the fellowship. During the entire duration of the fellowship, the fellow is in close contact with scientists of the research group or network in order to perform the agreed tasks.

Only ECRs with a PhD / doctoral degree (scientists in the R2 or R3 qualification phase) can be nominated for the Ingenium Research Fellowship.
What we offer Fellows may receive compensation for their work. The compensation depends on the qualification level of the fellows and the temporal extent of the collaboration. The maximum amount of compensation is based on the DFG Personnel Rates. The available spreadsheet (on this page, see access-protected document) serves as a guide for determining the maximum compensation.
The compensation is taxable. A service contract, which the fellows receive for the period of the fellowship, defines the details.

A maximum of 15,000 Euros per fellowship can be requested. This should be used in particular to finance the fellows' compensation. A fellowship does not constitute an employment relationship.
In exceptional cases, travel and accommodation costs can be financed from this amount against receipt.

The title “Ingenium Research Fellow” is awarded for the duration of the fellowship.
Please hand in (as one PDF file) - CV Fellow
- Application form (opens in new tab)
How we select The application process is organized by TU Darmstadt. Applications are to be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Careers via Ingenium's Managing Director Dr. Bettina Wagner ().

Fellowships are awarded by the Vice President for Academic Careers. The Vice President may consult with the Vice President for Research for advice.

The major selection criteria are:
- Professional expertise and fit of the fellows to research groups or research networks,
- complementary expertise of the fellows to the expertise available at TU Darmstadt and
- career goal and professional aspirations of the fellows.
Next steps Applications are possible at any time.

Cut-off dates for the selection of fellows:
After the cut-off date of 30 June 2024 with the earliest start of the fellowship on 15 August 2024, the next cut-off date is 31 August 2024 with the earliest start of the fellowship on 15 September 2024.

Please send your application electronically as one PDF file to Dr. Bettina Wagner ().