Good Scientific Practice During Doctoral Studies – E-Learning (on demand)


How should research results be documented? What is the right way to cite? How does one handle image sources?

Answers to questions about working correctly are provided in the eLearning course “Good Research Practice During Doctoral Studies” in German and English.

The course is designed to be interdisciplinary and provides a review of additional topics regarding doctoral work: how to wisely plan and organize the research project and which legal aspects, such as in labour law or copyright law, are relevant for doctoral candidates.

Methods: The course contains comprehensive information, tests to check the knowledge gained as well as supplementary information materials.

At the end, you will have the possibility to receive a certificate.

Note: Module 5 (p.11) contains links to the doctoral regulations of Goethe University. Please refer to the doctoral regulations of TU Darmstadt as well as the special regulations of the departments (opens in new tab).

Target group: doctoral candidates and postdocs at TU Darmstadt

Language: English + German

Dates/time: The course comprises of five independent learning units with a total duration of 60 minutes. You can interrupt the course at any time, recover your previous progress or repeat modules.

Location: Online via Goethe University Frankfurt (opens in new tab). You will receive the license key for registration via e-mail after your registration with Ingenium.

Registration: Please fill in the Ingenium registration form (opens in new tab).