


Consumers, Tinkerers and Rebels. The People who shaped Europe, Part of the book Series Making Europe: Technology and Transformations, 1850-2000, series editors: Johan Schot and Phil Scranton, to be published by Palgrave MacMillan, Houndsmills, Basingstoke [with Ruth Oldenziel]

Machines are Frozen Spirit. The Scientification of Refrigeration and Brewing in the 19th century – A Weberian Interpretation, Campus Verlag/Westview Press, Frankfurt a.M./Boulder, Col., 1994

Istället för kärnkraft. Kraftvärmens framväxt i fyra länder, Stockholm: Carlssons förlag, 1994 [with Sven-Olof Olsson]

“Coping with Modernity: European Ways of Housing in the American Century”, Special issue of Home Cultures, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2010), pp. 105-238 [with Liesbeth Bervoets]

Urban Machinery: Inside Modern European Cities, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press 2008 (cloth), 2010 (paper) [with Thomas J. Misa]

Kunnskap og kultur: Vitenskapens roller i det norske samfunn, 1760-2000, Tapir, Trondheim [with Anne Kristine Børresen]

Transforming Spaces: The Topological Turn in Technology Studies, Darmstadt: Darmstadt University of Technology, 2003 [with Andreas Lösch and Dirk Verdicchio]

The Intellectual Appropriation of Technology: Discourses on Modernity, 1900-1939, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998 [with Andrew Jamison]

Journal Articles (Selection)

„Introduction: The History of East Africa’s Critical Infrastructure,” HoST: Journal of History of Science and Technology 16 (1), 2022: 1-6. link to journal

“Creole Objects and Techniques: Gold Mining, Gold Panning and Gold Working in Colonial Indonesia,” Baessler-Archiv 67, 2021: 67-94. for download as a pdf here (opens in new tab) [with Tjoa-Bonatz and Mai Lin]

“Toward a Global History of Material Culture” Technikgeschichte 88 (2), 2021: 178-182. download as pdf (opens in new tab) [with Shorouk El Hariry, Youngju Lee, Mariya Petrova and Dennis Yazici]

“Under the Historian’s Radar: Local Water Supply Practices in Nairobi, 1940-1980,” Water Alternatives 13 (3), 2020: 886-901, [with Jethron Ayumbah Akallah]

“History of Modern Chinese Technology: A Review Essay”, ICON: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology 25 (1), 2020: 122-140. [with Wei Wu]

“Maintaining the Local Empire: The Public Works Department in Dar es Salaam, 1920-1960,” The Journal of Transport History 41, 2020: 27–46. [with Frank Edward]

“Trading Zones in a Colony: Transcultural Techniques at Missionary Stations in the Dutch East Indies, 1860–1940” Social Studies of Science 50, 2020: 932-955. [with Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz]

“The Historical Ironies of Roads”, The Journal of Transport History 41, 2020: 3–5. [with Alexis A. De Greiff]

“Inventing Traditions: Interests, Parables and Nostalgia in the History of Nuclear Energy,“ History and Technology 31 (2015), pp. 84-107 [with Tilmann Hanel]

“Jenseits der Netzstadt? Stadt- und Infrastrukturentwicklung in Dar es Salaam,” Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte 2015, Heft 1, S. 81-92 [mit Jochen Monstadt und Sophie Schramm]

“Common Cause: Public Health and Bacteriology in Germany, 1870-1895”, East Central Europe 40 (2013), pp. 319 – 340 [with Anne I. Hardy]

“Innovation – the Endless Frontier: Historical Modes of Engineering Science”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22 (2010) pp. 443-445 [with Andreas Knie]

“The Victorian Eye and Its Blind Spot: Toward a Cultural Assessment of Technology” ,History and Technology 26 (2010), pp. 173-177

“Society, Culture and Users: The Missing Masses of J.D. Bernal”, Centaurus, 50 (2008), pp. 103-104

“Den kulturelle tilegnelse af den moderne teknik i Tyskland omkring 1900”, Den jyske historiker 102-103 (2003) pp. 47-63

“Zur Kulturgeschichte der Naturwissenschaft, Technik und Medizin: Eine internationale Literaturübersicht”, Technikgeschichte 70 (2003) pp. 23-45

“The Story-Lines of Technological Change. Innovation, Construction and Appropriation”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 15 (2003) pp. 81-91 [with Andrew Jamison]

“Cultural Politics in Action. Developing User Scripts in Relation to the Electric Vehicle”, Science, Technology, & Human Values 27 (2002), pp. 262-281 [with Heidi Gjøen]

“Die Praxis der Forschung: Zur Alltäglichkeit der Technikentwicklung am Beispiel einer britischen Ingenieurfirma”, Dresdener Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technikwissenschaften 27 (2001) pp. 1-17

“The Cultural Dimension of Technology Management: Lessons from the History of the Automobile”, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 13 (2001) pp. 91-103 [with Andreas Knie]

The Grammar of Technology: German and French Diesel Engineering, 1920-1940”, Technology and Culture 40 (1999), pp. 26-46 [with Andreas Knie]

“Alternative Cars: The Contrasting Stories of Steam and Diesel Automotive Engines”, Technology in Society 19 (1997) pp. 145-160 [with Andrew Jamison]

“Technology as Practice: Local and Global Closure Processes in Diesel-Engine Design”, Social Studies of Science 24 (1994) pp. 549-585

“Beyond Harmony and Consensus. A Social Conflict Approach to Technology”, Science, Technology, & Human Values 18 (1993) pp. 408-432

“Die Dinge gegen den Strich bürsten: De- Konstruktionsübungen am Automobil”, Technikgeschichte 60 (1993) pp. 224-242 [with Andreas Knie]

Book Chapters (Selection)

“Judengeschäfte:‘ Warenhäuser im urbanen Kontext 1876-1938”, in: Andreas Hoppe, ed., Von Ninive über Jerusalem nach Darmstadt: Städte im Kontext materieller und immaterieller Ausstattung und Entwicklung, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 2011 [with Marie-Christin Wedel]

“Ingenieure unter dem Sonnenkreuz: Die Norwegische Technische Hochschule während der Besatzungszeit 1940-1945”, in: Noyan Dinçkal, Christof Dipper and Detlev Mares, eds, Technische Hochschulen im “Dritten Reich”: Selbstmobilisierung der Wissenschaft, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010, pp. 145-161

Technik und Kultur, in: Sabine Haupt und Stefan Bodo Würffel, eds.: Handbuch Fin de Siècle, Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag, 2008, S. 680-693.

“Die Aneignung der modernen Stadt durch Künstler und Schriftsteller um 1900”, in: Matthias Luserke-Jaqui, ed., 'Alle Welt ist medial geworden.’ Literatur, Technik, Naturwissenschaft in der Klassischen Moderne, Tübingen: Narr Franke Attempto Verlag 2005, S. 35-52 [with Marcus Stippak]

“'Das norwegische Athen.' Das geistige Leben im Trondheim des 18. Jahrhunderts”, in: Georg G. Iggers et al., eds, Hochschule – Geschichte – Stadt. Festschrift für Helmut Böhme, Darmstadt: Darmstadt University of Technology, 2004, pp. 121-134 [with Monica Aase]

“Erfolgreiche und erfolglose Alternativen im Automobilbereich – eine historische Bilanz”, in: Armin Grunwald, ed., Technikgestaltung zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit, Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2003, pp. 161-173

“Die intellektuelle Aneignung der Technik am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts. Zur Analyse von Spreachhandlungen”, in: Andreas Lösch, Dominik Schrage, Dirk Spreen and Markus Stauff, eds., Technologien als Diskurse. Beiträge zur Kultursoziologie Konstruktionen von Wissen, Medien- und Körpertechnologien, Heidelberg: Synchron, 2001, pp. 197-208

“Construction, Reconstruction, or Deconstruction: How to Write Engineering History”, in: Hans Glimell and Oskar Juhlin, eds, The Social Production of Technology: On the Everyday Life with Things, Gothenburg: Business Administrative Studies, 2001, pp. 207-226

“Genese von Techniken und betriebliche Technikpolitik: Tradition und Flexibilität im Dieselmotorenbau”, in: Meinolf Dierkes, ed., Technikgenese: Befunde aus einem Forschungsprogramm, Berlin: ed. Sigma, 1997, pp. 17-36

“Enforced Marriage: How District Heating and Electricity Systems Have Been Combined", in: Arne Kaijser and Marika Hedin, eds, Nordic Energy Systems. Historical Perspectives and Current Issues, Canton, MA: Science History Publications, 1995, pp. 187-204 [with Sven-Olof Olsson]

“Technological Drift in Science: The Making of Radio Astronomy in Gothenburg and Onsala, 1942-1976”, in: Svante Lindqvist, ed., Centre on the Periphery. Swedish Physics in the 20th Century, Canton, MA: Science History Publications, 1993, pp. 378-397

Reviews (Selection)

Hård, Mikael, review of Thomas Zoglauer, Karsten Weber, and Hans Fries, eds, Technik als Motor der Modernisierung (Verlag Karl Alber, 2018), Technology and Culture 61 (3), 2020: 948-949.

Conference Presentations

“Technological Landscapes,” plenary talk at the conference “Materiality and the History of Infrastructure” in Hannover, July 20-21, 2022.

“Technische Landschaften im Globalen Süden,” online talk, History Department, University of Stuttgart, May 11, 2021.

“Colonial Cities—Histories from Below,” talk at the conference “50 Jahre Moderne Stadtgeschichte: Rückblicke – Rundblicke – Ausblicke,” TU Darmstadt, Feb. 13–14, 2020.

“Trading Zones: Interpreting Local Encounters in the Dutch East Indies,” paper at the Annual meeting of the Society for History of Technology (SHOT), Milan, Oct. 24–27, 2019.

“Appropriate Technology: Local Stories of a Global Commodity,” paper at the workshop “Writing Global History of Technology from a Local Perspective: Stories from the South,” TU Darmstadt, July 8–10, 2019.

“Under the Radar: Local Water-supply Practices in Nairobi, 1940-1980,” paper at the Annual meeting of the Society for History of Technology (SHOT), St. Louis, Oct. 11–14, 2019, presented with Jethron Akallah.

“Toward a Global History of Technology,” paper at Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, April 24, 2019.

“ERC Global HoT Program,” project presentation at the workshop “Sustainable Urban Mobility: History and Transitions, TU Eindhoven, June 27–29, 2018.

“How to Write a Global History of Technology?” talk at King’s College London, May 16, 2018.

“Maintaining the Local Empire: The Public Works Department in Dar es Salaam, 1920-1960,” paper at the workshop “Infrastructure, Society and Culture: Lessons from the History of large Technological Systems,” University of Los Andes, Bogota, 5–6 Dec. 2017.