Picture: Daniel EndersPicture: Daniel Enders
Understanding what AI models can – and can't – do
Interview with Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer, early career researcher in the cluster project “RAI”
In the “RAI” project, Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer is working to improve our understanding of widely used artificial intelligence (AI) models and to make them more robust. In this interview, the computer scientist reveals why this is important, who could benefit from it in the future and what drives her personally. Part two of a video series with early career researchers in the planned clusters of excellence involving TU Darmstadt.
Bild: TU DarmstadtBild: TU Darmstadt
„Daumen drücken für die Exzellenzanträge“
Exzellenzcluster-Bewerbungen sind abgeschlossen
In der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder sind für die Förderlinie Exzellenzcluster die Bewerbungen nun abgeschlossen. Die hessischen Universitäten haben sieben Vollanträge eingereicht, drei davon stammen von der TU Darmstadt. Die Entscheidung fällt im Mai.
Bild: hessian.AIBild: hessian.AI
Neue ACM Fellow: Informatik-Professorin Mira Mezini
Herausragende Beiträge zur Informatik
Professorin Mira Mezini, Leiterin des Fachgebiets Softwaretechnik am Fachbereich Informatik der TU Darmstadt, ist in den Kreis der ACM Fellows aufgenommen worden. Mit dieser Ehrung zeichnet die Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) die besten ihrer weltweit mehr als 100.000 Mitglieder für herausragende Beiträge zur Informatik aus. Lediglich ein Prozent der ACM-Mitglieder werden zu ACM Fellows ernannt.
Picture: Tübingen AI Center / Elia SchmidPicture: Tübingen AI Center / Elia Schmid
Human thinking as a model for Artificial Intelligence
New LOEWE start professorship: Charley Wu strengthens cognitive sciences at TU
The cognitive scientist Dr Charley Wu has been awarded a LOEWE start professorship at TU Darmstadt. His work focuses on the question of how artificial intelligence (AI) can use human learning strategies to become more flexible, efficient and social. Approximately two million euros of LOEWE funding will be provided for his research over a total of six years. The state is thus also supporting the full proposal of the research networks ‘The Adaptive Mind’ and ‘Resonable AI’ in the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments, in which TU Darmstadt is significantly involved.
Bild: Katrin BinnerBild: Katrin Binner
Gründungen: Darmstadt in den Top 5 der Städte
Künstliche Intelligenz als Zugpferd
Die Gründungsdynamik in Deutschland nimmt zu: 2024 stieg die Zahl der Start-up-Gründungen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 11 Prozent. 2766 Unternehmen entstanden in diesem Zeitraum neu. Das zeigt der aktuelle Start-up Monitor 2024 des deutschen Startup-Verbands. Besonders erfreulich: Das ausgeprägte Gründungs-Ökosystem Darmstadt gehört zu den fünf stärksten Gründungsstandorten bundesweit.
Bild: Katrin BinnerBild: Katrin Binner
Das Beste aus zwei Welten verbinden
Gastprofessorinnen-Programm der TU Darmstadt
Mit dem Gastprofessorinnen-Programm lädt die TU Darmstadt promovierte Forscherinnen aus den Ingenieurwissenschaften, die in einem Industrieunternehmen tätig sind, an die Universität ein. Dabei profitieren beide Seiten: Die Gastprofessorinnen forschen und lehren befristet, ohne ihre Position im jeweiligen Unternehmen aufzugeben, und bereichern die Lehre durch innovative Ansätze und wertvolle Einblicke in Unternehmensrealitäten. Zurzeit läuft die Ausschreibung für die dritte Runde des erfolgreichen Programms. Aus diesem Anlass blicken ehemalige Teilnehmerinnen zurück und schildern ihre Erfahrungen.
Understanding what AI models can – and can't – do
Interview with Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer, early career researcher in the cluster project “RAI”
In the “RAI” project, Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer is working to improve our understanding of widely used artificial intelligence (AI) models and to make them more robust. In this interview, the computer scientist reveals why this is important, who could benefit from it in the future and what drives her personally. Part two of a video series with early career researchers in the planned clusters of excellence involving TU Darmstadt.
TU professors appointed as ELLIS Scholars and Fellow
Recognition for four AI researchers of the Department of Computer Science
The ELLIS Unit Darmstadt, part of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) and TU Darmstadt’s Research Field Information and Intelligence (I+I), is pleased to announce that four of its members are being recognized as distinguished researchers of the ELLIS network.
Picture: rawpixel/adobe.stock.com/TAMPicture: rawpixel/adobe.stock.com/TAM
Support for Cluster of Excellence TAM
New LOEWE Start professorship at the University of Gießen
Perception researcher Dr Katharina Dobs has been awarded a LOEWE start professorship at the Justus Liebig University of Gießen. Around 1.9 million euros in LOEWE funding will be provided over a total of six years for her research in applied computer science with a focus on cognitive systems. This will also help Hesse to strengthen the full proposal for the ‘The Adaptive Mind’ research network, in which the Technical University of Darmstadt is also involved, for the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments.
Bild: Katrin Binner/Klaus Mai/Adobe StockBild: Katrin Binner/Klaus Mai/Adobe Stock
Zwei neue Mitglieder stärken die ELLIS Unit Darmstadt
Erweiterung der Expertise in Data Management und Computer Vision
Professor Carsten Binnig und Dr. Simone Schaub-Meyer sind neue Mitglieder der ELLIS Unit Darmstadt. Die Unit ist Teil des European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) sowie des Forschungsfeldes Information and Intelligence (I+I) der TU Darmstadt. Nachwuchsforschende können sich außerdem noch bis Mitte November für das ELLIS PhD-Programm bewerben.
Picture: Daniela FleckensteinPicture: Daniela Fleckenstein
Secure messaging through distributed messages
TU researchers enable better protection for sending sensitive information
In today's digital landscape, ensuring the privacy of online communications is more critical than ever, especially in professions that rely on confidentiality, such as law or politics. Two research groups from the Profile Topic Cybersecurity and Privacy at TU Darmstadt have developed EMC² (Encrypted Multi-Channel Communication), a method that enhances the security of sensitive messages by distributing trust across several existing communication channels. The team's approach addresses the limitations of current encryption solutions, introduces a tool that makes secure communication more accessible, and shows the ineffectiveness of government-mandated backdoors.
Picture: improvee design – stock.adobe.com (KI generiert)Picture: improvee design – stock.adobe.com (KI generiert)
Study without worries
TU and Santander award ten scholarships independent of grades
Together with Santander Universities, TU Darmstadt is giving away the “2,000 € TU Darmstadt Sorgenfrei Scholarship” for the first time. The application is open to all students, regardless of grade, who are enrolled at TU Darmstadt. The application period runs from October 23, 2024 to November 27, 2024, 11 p.m.
Picture: Deutsche Bahn AG / Volker EmerslebenPicture: Deutsche Bahn AG / Volker Emersleben
AI expertise for innovative DataHub Europe project
Platform enables safe and data protection-compliant use of AI in business and science
The Technical University of Darmstadt and the Hessian Center for Artificial Intelligence hessian.AI are playing a key role in the development of DataHub Europe, a new platform for the secure use and provision of data for training AI models. This platform, which was presented by Schwarz Digits and Deutsche Bahn AG at the German government's 2024 “Digital-Gipfel”, helps companies to efficiently implement specific solutions using artificial intelligence (AI) in a manner that complies with data protection regulations.
How humans react to change
Professor Constantin Rothkopf, Darmstadt spokesman for the TAM cluster project, in a video interview
Researchers working on ‘The Adaptive Mind’ (TAM) project can hope for the approval of a prestigious Cluster of Excellence. Professor Rothkopf explains what’s behind the project on the adaptability of the human mind. Third and final part of a video series on TU Darmstadt's three Cluster of Excellence applications.
Research for a more sensible AI
An interview with Professor Kristian Kersting and Professor Markus Rohrbach, co-speakers of the RAI cluster project
The research initiative „Reasonable Artificial Intelligence’ (RAI) is one of three projects involving TU Darmstadt that are in the running for a Cluster of Excellence. Professor Kersting and Professor Rohrbach give an insight into their research – and explain who could benefit from it in the future. Part two of a three-part video series on TU Darmstadt's Cluster of Excellence applications.