"University Support Association 'Friends of TU Darmstadt' | Presentation and Discussion of Goals, Tasks and Activities"

Lecture held by Katharina Krickow and Dr.-Ing. Kira Stein! Feb. 11, 2025, 6:05 PM

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Everybody Welcome!

Please contact isp@gugw.tu-darmstadt.de for further information.

This lecture series has its premiere this semester!

It will be offered every winter from now on and is open to students from all faculties and employees.

Together with the Sustainability seminar, which always takes place on Tuesdays at 4.15 pm, this lecture series forms the basic module Sustainability. The module is worth 10 CP and can be included in elective areas and in the Studium Generale.

Time:Tuesdays 18:05 – 19:45

Location:S1|03 23

TUCaN-Nr.: 02-07-4000-vl

Protecting and conserving resources, promoting social justice and the energy-efficient use of university facilities – what does this look like in university practice?

The lecture series will give you an insight into the diverse sustainability activities at TUDa. The spectrum of topics presented ranges from interdisciplinary research projects and interdisciplinary teaching on pressing current issues to equal opportunities and the challenges of implementing various sustainability measures in technical operations.

The event is aimed at all TUDa students and staff who would like to find out more about the ways in which our university actively contributes to shaping a sustainable society.

Find the programme here !

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If you have any questions or would like to attend as a guest, please contact