
11. Darmstadt Photography Days: Bizarre Escapes – Humour in Photography

October 23 to November 1, 2020

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Trailer of the exhibition opening by Stefan Daub (duration: 01:00)

For the third time in 2020, the Kunstforum der TU Darmstadt will be showing the Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie. The eleventh edition of the festival is dedicated to the subject of “Bizarre Escapes – Humour in Photography”. It is about works whose distanced or displaced perspective gives us new perspectives and insights – and casually, evidently or subtly develops their own sense of humor.

Humor and photography have more in common than superficially apparent. Both examine existing conditions, exaggerate events and process experiences from a specially selected point of view. Photography visualizes the world in which we live with precise pointing, whimsical perspectives, concentrated moments or an idiosyncratic staging. Only with a remote perspective do we gain new insights Humor looks charmingly at the everyday, sketches the opposite with a slightly shifted view, plays with superficial associations – and the mysterious flashes. Humor or satire in the picture can make funny situations, surprising twists and unexpected contradictions visible. The distanced or displaced perspective gives us new perspectives – and ideally, social action can be derived from the unexpected findings. In any case they make the seriousness of life more bearable and question our attitudes, values ​​and prejudices.