Every green technology – from batteries to catalytic converters to high-performance magnets – uses materials whose properties enable the special functionality of the technology. That's why the energy revolution is also always a materials revolution. Only continuous development of materials can meet the new requirements of sustainable technologies. A major challenge here is to avoid the use of critical raw materials from the onset. In addition, future processing chains must be established in a sustainable manner and a resource-efficient use of materials and their reuse must be ensured. This interdisciplinary issue requires bridging the gap between basic sciences and engineering.
The profile topic uses theory-based, experimental methods to create the foundation for designing new materials. This involves the creation of complex micro- and nanostructures, starting from individual atoms and extending to application-oriented model systems. In this way, we want to play a major role in shaping the energy revolution through the materials revolution.
Our focus is on the design of new inorganic materials with multifunctional properties. They form the basis for energy- and resource-efficient components and technologies for the further development of energy conversion, microelectronics and sensor technology.
The use of these new inorganic materials with multifunctional properties makes it possible for a wide variety of technologies to operate more energy- and resource-efficient and to pursue entirely new paths.