The Darmstadt Model of Science Communication

Das Darmstädter Modell der Wissenschaftskommunikation fördert einen deliberativen, partizipativen Ansatz, bei dem Wissenschaftler:innen und Interessierte auf Augenhöhe zusammenkommen. Durch individuelle Unterstützung und gezieltes Training wird die Kommunikationskompetenz der Wissenschaftler:innen entwickelt, um eine erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft zu ermöglichen.

xchange-Strategy and Science Communication

Science communication accompanies all strategic areas of the Technical University of Darmstadt. It is closely interwoven with the xchange strategy, which expands the conventional definition of the third mission to include multidirectional exchange. The global dynamic changes require flexible instruments of knowledge exchange. In response to these constantly changing environments, TU Darmstadt has developed xchange and the Darmstadt Model of Science Communication and integrated it into its daily activities.

The Darmstadt model

The Darmstadt Model of Science Communication promotes a deliberative, participatory approach to science communication in which scientists and interested parties meet as equals. We are concerned with successful interaction between science and society, which must be constantly reviewed and further developed. It is important to us to support our scientists individually in order not only to break down unnecessary communication barriers (Pasternak, 2022), but also to develop them further in line with their interests through targeted training and coaching. Our goal is to develop and strengthen the entire organization.

From institutional to individual communication

Scientists are specifically supported in developing the expert organizations into an organization of communicating experts. It is important to us that evidence-based science communication takes precedence over traditional institutional and traditional management communication.

More than ever, valid, objective information is probably the most important basis for democratic decision-making processes. In view of the fact that many scientists are inadequately prepared for the demanding challenges of science communication or do not find the necessary support for this in their professional or working environment (Wissenschaftsrat, 2021), we have established a new central support unit at TU Darmstadt in the form of the Science Communication Center (SCC).

Science Communication Centre

The Science Communication Center (SCC) brings together the teams for communication, marketing, fundraising and friendraising under one roof. It is the central internal unit that provides support in all specific fields of communication management and strengthens the external impact. The employees of the SCC are oriented towards state-of-the-art science communication. They proactively make their knowledge available to all interested members of the university.