Science Meets Politics

Whether climate change or sustainable energy supply: Scientists are called upon to identify evidence-based solutions to political challenges. The vehicle for this is scientific policy advice. From individual expert reports and support for political campaigns to participation in permanently established expert committees, this covers a wide range of forms and formats.

However, different goals, expectations and paradigms of action also clash at the interface between science and politics: evidence-based truth-seeking with a more long-term orientation is supposed to help make short-term decisions in the debate about different interests. How can scientists position themselves well in this field of tension and offer and carry out successful, dialog-oriented advice?

With “Science Meets Politics”, TU Darmstadt offers its scientists a service for targeted preparation for involvement in scientific policy advice, consisting of

1. a compact four-hour practical workshop

2. accompanying learning material

In the program, the participants deal with the basics of scientific policy advice, reflect on the possibilities and limits of policy advice and develop starting points and ways in which they can contribute their own expertise to policy advice in a dialogue-oriented manner and “at eye level”.

TU Darmstadt is working together with the Center for Science Management (ZWM) to implement this. The costs are covered by TU Darmstadt. Speakers are

  • Dr. Angela Dorn
    Vice-President of the Hessian State Parliament, Spokesperson for European Policy and Remembrance Culture
    Hessian Minister for Science and the Arts from 2019 to 2024
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Böcher
    Professor of Political Science at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
    Expert in scientific policy advice and member of numerous renowned scientific advisory and expert committees at various political levels


  • Workshop: Thursday, November 7, 2024 from 1-5 p.m., Room 252 in the Science Castle

Contact: Ines Schiefke, , 06151 16 20048