Mental Health
First Aid (MHFA) from students for students

Published: 09 Oct 2024, last edit: 09 Oct 2024

Students often struggle with a wide range of difficulties, demands and challenges at University and/or in their private lives. Awareness of the importance of mental health is growing steadily. At TU Darmstadt, there is a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) programme available. In this programme, students learn to better understand mental health and acquire special skills to support fellow students in crisis. MHFA ambassador Marcel has completed the programme and will tell you more about this support offer of TU Darmstadt and how you can become First-aiders yourself.

M.A. Sportmanagement

The MHFA programme strengthens the social community on campus through early support and coping strategies. It also means that you can count on others when the going gets tough.

Picture: Marcel

Why do we need MHFA first aiders on our campus?

You know what it is like: academic stress, social adjustments or personal challenges – the heat is on and the going gets really tough. According to the TK Gesundheitsreport 2023 (annual health report), 36% of female students and 31% of male students report depressive symptoms. The main stress factors causing these symptoms are examinations, multiple work and study commitments, fear of poor grades, learning material that is too difficult or too extensive, and financial worries. All of this results in 68% of students reporting to feel highly stressed out and under pressure.

When you are in a crisis and are seeking help, do send us an email at:

Getting help from within the community

The Mental Health First Aid Community at TU Darmstadt offers first aid to students on campus experiencing mental health issues. As students of TU Darmstadt, you can get in touch with us by email at: We also provide the option of Walk-and-Talk meetings, which offer students the chance to discuss their concerns in a relaxed one-to-one setting with other students. This means that you can get first aid and support at any time.

Becoming a first-aider

Would you like to become first-aiders for mental health issues?

Get in touch with us at:

Go and get trained!

The Student Health Management unit at TU Darmstadt offers Mental Health First Aid training. You will learn how to recognise signs of mental health issues, how to approach those affected and how to refer them to professional help. You will acquire practical skills to support your fellow students empathetically and effectively. The first training courses already took place online, however, additional face-to-face courses on site are being scheduled.

Going strong together throughout your studies

Implementing the Mental Health First Aid programme is an important step towards a campus community that promotes good health.

Together, we will get through university successfully.

If we as students are sensitised to look after the mental health of our fellow students and offer first aid, we can jointly create an atmosphere that promotes everyone's well-being. This proactive frame of mind helps to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and to establish a culture of open dialogue.

Picture: Marcel


Hey, I’m Marcel, and I’m pursuing my Master's in Sports Management. The program is very diverse and combines various disciplines, which makes it both challenging and exciting. Additionally, it offers great prospects for the future. I particularly enjoy the combination of business aspects and sports science, as well as the opportunity to learn and work in a dynamic environment.

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