Abroad: Summer and Winter Schools Abroad

Summer and Winter Schools Abroad

Many of our partner universities use their campuses to host Summer Schools and Winter Schools during the summer or winter breaks. Participating in such stays abroad, which serve the purpose of specialised knowledge, will provide you with many new experiences. You will also be able to improve your language skills and maybe this short-term program will even make you want to stay abroad for a longer period of time.

Please note:

Application and participation in these programs is on your own responsibility and self-organisation.

Questions and Answers

What are summer and winter schools? These are short-term programmes offered by universities during the lecture-free period in which exchange students can acquire ECTS/credits or continue their education independently of their subject. These can be language courses or academic subject-specific programmes.
What do I need to consider? Usually, short-term programmes between TU Darmstadt and the partner university are not contractually stipulated in the partnership agreements. Therefore, you cannot be nominated for the short-term programme. Therefore, please contact the responsible persons at the Department of International Relations Overseas () oder Europe () in advance to discuss possibilities for letters of support or letters of permission.
What costs should I expect? Please note that you take part in such programmes as a self-payer/freemover. The programme fees depend entirely on the programme and other activities included. Please find out about these in advance on the respective websites. Tip: Some universities offer early booking discounts.
How far in advance should I plan? Applications are usually possible at shorter notice than for an entire semester abroad, for example. However, please note the application deadlines for short-term programmes
Further tips: You will need various documents for your application, including a transcript of records in English. Please request this in good time from the relevant study office.

The following table provides an overview of some short-term programmes of partner universities:


Partner University Programme
Aalto University (Finland) Aalto Science Institute international summer research programme
Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, University Grenoble Alpes (France) GINSEN, Grenoble International Smart Engineering Summer School
Apply here
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
Politecnico Di Torino (Italy)
Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) ULISSES (University of Lisbon – Interdisciplinary Studies on Sustainable Environment and Seas)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) (Spain)
Graz University of Technology (Austria)
Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland)

Current Summer and Winter Schools

Country Partner & Programme
Australia Curtin University – Global Summer and Winter University Programs
Austria Universität Graz International Summer School
Brazil Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro:
PUC-RIO Factsheet (opens in new tab)
PUC-RIO Language Intensive Course (opens in new tab)
PUC-RIO Information (opens in new tab)
PUC-RIO English (opens in new tab)
Canada University of British Columbia Vancouver Summer Program
Fees and Expenses
-Community and Regional Planning
-Integrated Sciences
-Land and Food Systems
-Oceans and Fisheries
University of Toronto:
Global Learning Case Competition
Website for more Information
China Beijing Institute of Technology 2024 Winter Program (opens in new tab)
Tongji University:
Online Winter Camp (opens in new tab)
Winter Camp: Application Form
Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
Denmark Aarhus University AU Summer University
Wind Power Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
Egypt American University in Cairo
Summer Internship Course in Egypt (opens in new tab)
Estonia University of Tartu Summer Courses in 2024
France Grenoble INP IA Summer School (opens in new tab)
Université Grenoble Alpes Short programs
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse INSA 2024 (opens in new tab)
Université de Bordeaux Summer Schools
Toulouse INP Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
Finland Åbo Akademi Summer School
Hong Kong International Summer Exchange Program (ISP) Program Details
HKUST Website
The University of Hong Kong
Summer Institute
Connecting Asia for a Sustainable Future
The Hong Kong Polithechnic University International Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
India Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Global Virtual Winter School 2023 (opens in new tab)
2024 International Summer School (opens in new tab)
Italien Universita di Trento:
-Winter School DecolHeri 2024 (opens in new tab)
-Mipochange Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
-D2H-AI Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
University of Milano-Bicocca
-B-Youth 24
-GEM-Silkway Central Asia
-GEM-Silkway Eastern Europe
Japan Keio University:
Basic Information
Application Procedure
The University of tokio Poster 2024 (opens in new tab)
Kobe University
Summer Programm 2024 (opens in new tab)
Korea Kyungpook National University:
KNU Pamphlet 2024 (opens in new tab)
KNU Program Schedule 2024 (opens in new tab)
KNU Korean Language Course Syllabus 2024 (opens in new tab)
Seoul National University:
International Summer Program 2024 (opens in new tab)
Summer Program Website
Chonnam National University:
International Summer Session
Brochure International Summer Session 2024 (opens in new tab)
EWHA Womans University International Summer College 2024 (opens in new tab)
Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia
Tropical Data Science School (opens in new tab)
Arrival Guide 2024 (opens in new tab)
Mexico Tecnologico de Monterrey Tec Summer School 2024
Netherlands Radboud University Summer School 2024
Poland Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Summer School 2024
Romania Babes-Bolyai University: t.b.a.
Polytechnic University of Bucharest: t.b.a.
Spain Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Valencia Mediterranean Lifestyle (opens in new tab)
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Barcelona Summer Programme 2024 (opens in new tab)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid International Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
Singapore Nanyang Technological University GEM Trailblazer Summer
Sweden University of Gothenburg Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
Linköping University
Summer Academy
Linköping Flyer 2024 (opens in new tab)
Switzerland Hochschule Luzern Summerschool Ticino 2024
Taiwan National Taiwan University Short Term Programs
National Cheng Kung University
-Semiconductor Summer School
-Asia Biomedical Culture
Thailand Mahidol University:
Summer Program 2024 (opens in new tab)
Website Summer Program
Sawasdee Thailand Summer Program 2024 (opens in new tab)
Turkey Sabancı University: t.b.a.
United Kingdom University of Bristol Summer Schools 2024
Poster Bristol Summer 2024 (opens in new tab)
Aberystwyth University Identity and Nationhood Summer School
Country Partner & Programme
Austria Universität Graz – Graz International Summer School Seggau 2022 (opens in new tab)
Universität Wien – Winter School for Cultural Historical Studies (opens in new tab)
Brazil Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Incoming Students
More Information: Factsheet (opens in new tab)
China Tongji University Online Winter Camp
Tsinghua University Global Summer School
Croatia University of Rijeka International Summer School
Hong Kong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University International Summer School
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology International Summer Exchange Program
University of Hong Kong Summer Institute
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Summer Lab Research
Denmark Aarhus University AU Summer University
Finland Aalto University International Summer Research Program
Åbo Akademi Summer School
LUT University Summer School (opens in new tab)
Tampere University Summer School
France Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble Summer School
Université de Bordeaux Summer Schools
Université Grenoble Alpes Summer Schools
Centrale Supélec Summer Schools
Hungary Eotvos Lorand University Summer School in Mathematics
India Indian Institute of Technology Summer School 2023 (opens in new tab)
Israel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Modern Israel Summer Program
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Summer Camp
Italy University of Trento PsyHuman Summer School
Japan University of Tokio Engineering Summer Education Program
Kobe University Summer Program in Japanese Language and Culture (opens in new tab)
Niiagata University Summer Program (Aplication Guideline) (opens in new tab)
Keio University Keio Short-Term Japanese Studies Programm 2023
Korea Chonnam National University International Summer Session
Malaysia University Sains Malaysia Tropical Data Science School (opens in new tab)
Mexico Tecnológico de Monterrey Tec Summer School
Netherlands Radboud University Nijmegen Summer School
Poland Wrocław University of Science and Technology Summer School
Romania Babes-Bolyai University International Summer Courses
Polytechnic University of Bucharest International Summer School
Russia Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Winter School
Singapore National University of Singapore Summer School
Nanyang Technological University Summer Program
Spain Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Summer School
Universidad de Alcalá International School
Universidad Pontifica de Comillas Summer School 2024 (opens in new tab)
Sweden University of Gothenburg Summer School
Linköping University University Summer Academy
Taiwan National Taiwan University Summer Program
National Cheng Kung University International Summer School
Thailand Mahidol University Summer Program 2023
Turkey Sabanci University Summer School
United Kingdom University of Bristol Summer School
Aberystwyth University Identity and Nationhood Summer School
United States University of Illinois Research Experience for Undergraduates

*The DAAD offers an overview of programmes at other institutions.