Athene-Preise für Gute Lehre 2021

INSPIRED is awarded the „Sonderpreis Interdisziplinäre Lehre“


At the end of the „Tag der Lehre“, the „Athene-Preise für Gute Lehre“ by the Carlo and Karin Giersch Foundation were awarded at TU Darmstadt on November 24. The awards are endowed with a total of 46,000 euros and honor TU members who have rendered outstanding teaching services. The award ceremony took place as a hybrid event in the Köhler Hall and was livestreamed from there.

The “Sonderpreis Interdisziplinäre Lehre” is awarded for the project INSPIRED 2021. In the picture: Professor Reinhold Bertrand (left) and Professor Alexander Löwer representing the project team.

The „Athene-Preis“ recognize the special importance of academic teaching at TU Darmstadt.
Professor Alexander Löwer, Professor Reinhold Bertrand, Professor Clemens Müller, Dr. Agata Staniek, Maik Mendler, Martin Michel, Dr. Enrico Bruder, Anna Honneff and Marianne Herzberger-Nickibauer were awarded for the INSPIRED 2021 project with 5,000 euros and the „Sonderpreis Interdisziplinäre Lehre“. INSPIRED is a diverse virtual interdisciplinary and international study project by Unite!


About Unite!

Alongside TU Darmstadt as the coordinator,Unite! (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering) also includes Aalto University (Finland), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Grenoble Institute of Technology (France), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) and Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal).

The seven partner universities aim to use the European University to create a trans-European campus for students and researchers with the involvement of regions and companies. The partners have a total of 167,000 students, already cooperate closely in more than 80 EU projects and have exchanged more than 2,000 students in the past five years. The alliance has set itself the goal of combining courses for the benefit of students, breaking down existing technical and administrative hurdles, and thus significantly increasing student mobility. Research will also benefit from the conditions created for larger and easier cooperation, which will strengthen the competitiveness of the European Higher Education Area overall.