„Knowledge versus Opinion“

Three LOEWE projects (, DRUID, Minority Studies ) have developed a science simulation game together with WhiteBox and the science communicator ProLOEWE, which they launched at schools in Hesse before the 2024 summer vacation under the title “Knowledge versus Opinion” (“Wissen versus Meinung”). science birds
A total of ten dates are initially planned. The schools visited so far have been in Rödermark, Niederwalgern, Haiger and Kassel. The main topics of the simulation games, which originate from the respective LOEWE projects, are artificial intelligence, research into neglected and poverty-related tropical diseases and minority studies. The simulation game introduces pupils to the importance of science and democracy. During the game, they take on roles from science, business, politics, society and the media in small groups and can experience the dynamic interaction of these forces at first hand.
“The idea of the simulation game was born in these turbulent times, in which we are facing major challenges worldwide. Our main aim is to teach students the importance of critical thinking and the classification of reputable sources and to raise their awareness of how to recognize false information, including in the area of social media,” say the LOEWE researchers and science communicators about their joint project.