Foto | Name | Arbeitsgebiet(e) | Kontakt |
| Dr.-Ing. Dirk Balfanz Administrative Koordination WhiteBox | Centre for Cognitive Science | Scientific Managing Director | dirk.balfanz@cogsci.tu-... +49 6151 16-23736 S1|15 245 |
| Prof. Dr. Ralf Galuske Teilprojekt 1.1, Teilprojekt 3.3 | Biology | Systems Neurophysiology | ralf.galuske@tu-... +49 6151 16-20950 B1|01 167 |
| Joseph German Ph.D. | Human Sciences | Computational Modelling of Intelligent Systems | joseph.german@tu-... |
| Inga Ibs M.Sc. | Psychology | Psychology of Information Processing | inga.ibs@tu-... S1|15 231 |
| Prof. Dr. Frank Jäkel Leitung Teilprojekt 1.1 | Psychology | Models of Higher Cognition | frank.jaekel@tu-... +49 6151 16-23964 S1|15 210 |
| Prof. Dr. Kristian Kersting Sprecher WhiteBox, Leitung Teilprojekt 3.2 | Computer Science | Machine Learning | kristian.kersting@tu-... +49 6151 16-24411 S1|03 074 |
| Morteza Khosrotabar M.Sc. | Sport Science | Lauflabor Locomotion Laboratory | morteza.khosrotabar@tu-... S1|15 46 |
| Meike Kietzmann M.Sc. | Law and Economics | Marketing & Human Resource Management | meike.kietzmann@bwl.tu-... S1|02 146 |
| Prof. Dr. Heinz Koeppl Leitung Teilprojekt 2.2 | Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | Self-Organizing Systems | heinz.koeppl@tu-... +49 6151 16-57235 S3|06 202 |
| Ute Korn M.Sc. | Biology | Systems Neurophysiology | ute.korn@bio.tu-... +49 6151 16-20953 B1|01 162 |
| Asghar Mahmoudi Khomami M.Sc. Associated Researcher | Sport Science | Lauflabor Locomotion Laboratory | asghar.mahmoudi@tu-... +49 6151 16-23131 S1|15 46 |
| Niteesh Midlagajni M.Sc. | Psychology | Psychology of Information Processing | midlagajni@psychologie.tu-... S1|15 |
| Rupert Mitchell M.Eng. | Computer Science | Machine Learning | rupert.mitchell@cs.tu-... S1|03 077 |
| Omid Mohseni M.Sc. Associated Researcher | Sport Science | Lauflabor Locomotion Laboratory | omid.mohseni@tu-... +49 6151 16-24133 S1|15 46 |
| Claire Ott M.Sc. | Psychology | Models of Higher Cognition | +49 6151 16-23602 S1|15 206 |
| Prof. Jan Peters, Ph.D. Leitung Teilprojekt 1.2 | Computer Science | Intelligent Autonomous Systems | jan.peters@tu-... +49 6151 16-25373 S2|02 E314 |
| Kai Ploeger M.Sc. | Computer Science | Intelligent Autonomous Systems | kai.ploeger@tu-... +49-6151-16-20074 S2|02 E226 |
| Prof. Stefan Roth, Ph.D. Leitung Teilprojekt 2.1 | Computer Science | Visual Inference | stefan.roth@tu-... +49 6151 16-21425 S2|02 A304 |
| Prof. Constantin A. Rothkopf, Ph.D. Sprecher WhiteBox, Leitung AP 2.3 | Psychology | Psychology of Information Processing | constantin.rothkopf@cogsci.tu-... +49 6151 16-23367 S1|15 246 |
| Matthias Schultheis M.Sc. | Psychology | Psychology of Information Processing, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology | Bioinspired Communication Systems | schultheis@psychologie.tu-... +4961511624077 S1|15 232 |
| Sven Schultze M.Sc. | Law and Economics | Marketing & Human Resource Management | sven.schultze@bwl.tu-... +49 6151 16-24470 S1|02 145 |
| Prof. Dr. phil. Andre Seyfarth Leitung Teilprojekt 3.1 | Sport Science | Lauflabor Locomotion Laboratory | andre.seyfarth@tu-... +49 6151 16-24118 S1|17 111 |
| Dr. Maziar Ahmad Sharbafi, Ph.D. | Sport Science | Lauflabor Locomotion Laboratory | sharbafi@sport.tu-... +4961511624133 S1|15 46 |
| Prof. Dr. Dr. Ruth Stock-Homburg Leitung Teilprojekt 3.3 | Law and Economics | Marketing & Human Resource Management | RSH@bwl.tu-... +49 6151 16-24466 S1|02 149 |
| Rabea Turon M.Sc. | Psychology | Models of Higher Cognition | rabea.turon@tu-... |
| Prof. Thomas S. A. Wallis, Ph.D. Associated PI | Psychology | Perception Group | thomas.wallis@tu-... +49 6151 16-23980 S1|15 141 |
| AVH-Prof. Dr. Angela Yu Associated PI | Human Sciences | Computational Modelling of Intelligent Systems | angela.yu@tu-... S1|15 245 |