Clean Circles annual retreat 2023

Poster sessions, discussions, talks and teamwork


The annual Clean Circles retreat took place in Seeheim on 27–28 February 2023. During the retreat, the project leaders and their scientific staff were able to discuss the status of the project and its future.

Members of the Clean Circles annual retreat 2023 in Seeheim.

Among the 70 participants, all Clean Circles partners (TU Darmstadt, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the German Aerospace Center Cottbus, the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, and the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) were represented. In addition to poster sessions and paper pitches by the PhD students, the program included overview presentations on the four research areas of Clean Circles and numerous group work sessions to strengthen the interdisciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration. Guests of honor at the retreat were Professor Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus and Professor Hans Müller-Steinhagen. Both are members of the scientific advisory board of Clean Circles.