Training AI talents in a strong alliance
The graduate school offers students a combination of excellent, research-based education at the Master’s and doctoral level, supervision provided by internationally renowned mentors from both academia and industry, and networking opportunities across different sites. Coordinated by TU Darmstadt, ELIZA brings together research institutes from seven German cities. They work together under the umbrella of the , Europe’s leading academic network for machine learning-focused AI. European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS)
Professor Stefan Roth,
Director, Zuse School ELIZA
In ELIZA, we bring together Germany’s leading experts in machine learning-driven AI. Our Zuse School connects seven German units of the European ELLIS network into a truly distributed graduate school of excellence in modern AI with an extensive network of renowned industry partners.
The ELIZA School will make scientific excellence in learning and intelligent systems the cornerstone of its research and educational activities, with focus areas on
- foundations of ML (which includes ML-driven disciplines such as computer vision, natural language processing, or robot learning),
- ML systems,
- applications in autonomous systems, and
- across all areas of science, ranging from the life sciences to physics.
ELIZA builds upon , the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, Europe’s leading academic network for machine learning-focused AI, recently recognized for its innovation by the German AI Award 2021 (Deutscher KI-Preis 2021). In ELIZA we connect seven competitively selected German ELLIS units (Berlin, Darmstadt, Freiburg, Heidelberg, München, Saarbrücken, Tübingen) together with their academic institutions; select faculty members from each unit form the set of currently 48 academic fellows of ELIZA, 35 of which are also fellows of ELLIS, its highest internationally peer-reviewed member grade. Industrial fellows, appointed by an Industrial Relations Board, will complement the School and provide direct links into the AI economy in Germany and beyond. ELLIS
ELIZA Sites and Participating Institutions
- Universität des Saarlandes
- Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
- Max-Planck-Institut für Softwaresysteme
Networking ELIZA with ELLIS
ELLIS is a highly visible European grassroots initiative for modern AI that we leverage, by adding sustained network funding and national backing to realize its benefits and to support outstanding Master’s and PhD students at the participating units. ELIZA’s vision is to build an outstanding foundation within ELLIS for research excellence in machine learning-driven AI. Specifically, we want to
- connect international AI talent and German academia,
- support students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in AI,
- create a highly attractive and tightly interwoven research and educational environment by offering the opportunity to work with internationally renowned experts in modern AI and collaborate between different ELIZA sites in Germany, with industry, as well as with ELLIS units abroad.
ELIZA builds on a tightly woven European research network of 36 ELLIS units and over 300 ELLIS fellows and scholars, all internationally peer-reviewed for scientific excellence in machine learning-driven AI.
ELIZA links the research and educational activities across the participating institutions and collaborating companies through
- cross-site co-supervision setups for ELIZA PhD and Master’s students,
- cross-listed Master’s-level courses as well as joint courses across sites including through the BMBF-funded , and KI-Campus platform
- joint research and educational events such as thematic workshops and summer schools.
Industrial fellows actively collaborate with ELIZA students and academic fellows, can contribute to the teaching activities, and are given the opportunity to provide their industry perspective in the form of Konrad Zuse Lectures.
ELIZA leverages the support of the institutions behind the participating ELLIS units as well as the visibility of the ELLIS network in politics, economy, and society. Moreover, we link Germany’s top institutions in machine learning-driven AI into a sustained research and education platform with high international visibility and impact.