PhD Jethro van Ekeren
Age: 26
Area of research: Representation Theory, especially of vertex algebras.
Research period at the TU Darmstadt: June 2013 – June, 2015
Questionnaire to the Research Fellow
My field of research is fascinating. To laymen I would explain it in the following comprehensible manner:
The methods of classical mathematics are inadequate for the needs of modern physics, in the sense that certain crucial heuristic methods in physics defy mathematical construction. I work in an area of mathematics founded quite recently in which an attempt is made to define mathematical objects that capture some aspects of modern physical theories. The objects in question, vertex algebras, turn out to have interesting connections with other parts of mathematics.
My most important success in research to date is…
establishing connections between vertex superalgebras and Jacobi forms.
I’ve chosen the TU Darmstadt because of…
… its strong algebra group, and a host who has skills that complement my own.
Questionnaire for the host
Guest of: Nils Scheithauer
Department: Fachbereich Mathematik
You appreciate in your guest / your guest favourably impressed you by…
his knowledge in representation theory and his enthusiasm.
You, your team and the TU Darmstadt benefit from your guest’s…
different perspective on vertex algebras.