Guests of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at TU Darmstadt

International scientific prize winners and scholarship holders of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation are visiting TU Darmstadt regularly. Here they engage in research and push scientific projects forward. We are glad to introduce our guests and their hosts.

The top address for foreign engineers

International engineers really like spending their research stay at TU Darmstadt. This was again evident in the renowned Alexander von Humboldt Foundation rankings of 2020. TU Darmstadt claimed the fourth place in the whole of Germany for guest researcher numbers.

Our recent guests

Picture: Claus Völker

Professor Dr Charles Chunbao Xu

is a Humboldt Research Award winner and guest of Professor Dr Marcus Rose at the Department of Chemistry. His research is mainly focused on advanced biorefining technologies for conversion of biomass and organic solid wastes into high value-added bioproducts.

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Porträtfoto Professorin Milica Radisic
Picture: privat

Professor Milica Radisic

Professor Milica Radisic from the University of Toronto is an international leader in the field of cardiac tissue engineering and organ-on-a-chip technology. As part of a Humboldt Research Award, Radisic is a guest of Professor Ulrike Nuber. Together with her and other colleagues at the LOEWE research cluster “FLOW FOR LIFE" she will work on the development of vascularised tissue models.

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Picture: Claus Völker

Dr Rodrigo Esteves de Lima Lopes

from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas in Brasil, is a guest of Professor Marcus Müller at the Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies. His field of research is related to computational language processing and its application to discourse comprehension.

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Professor Markus Lederer und Ratna Priya Bysani
Picture: Claus Völker

Ratna Priya Bysani

The Indian political scientist Ratna Priya Bysani has been a Climate Protection Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at TU Darmstadt since April. We asked the 29-year-old and her host, Professor Markus Lederer of the Institute of Political Science, a few questions about their research.

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Dr. Mohsen Dehghani Darmian, Postdoc-Klimaschutzstipendiat der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Picture: Patrick Bal

Dr Mohsen Dehghani Darmian

The management of dams also has an impact on the environment, and their operators must adapt to climate change. Dr. Mohsen Dehghani Darmian is working on what a more sustainable and gentle water withdrawal strategy could look like in the future.

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All our guests at a glance