Dr. Carlos Henrique Vieira Santana
Age: 38
Area of research:
Comparative Political Economy
Name of my University / Research Institute: National Institute of Science and Technology, State University of Rio de Janeiro (INCT/PPED)
Research period at the TU Darmstadt:
November 2015 to October 2017
Questionnaire to the Research Fellow
My field of research is fascinating. To laymen I would explain it in the following comprehensible manner:
Through the concept of state capacity, this study aims to make a comparative analysis of energy infrastructure policies adopted by Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) in the last twenty years. For this, the project analyzes three aspects: the federative dilemmas in coordinating policies, public financing instruments in long-term credit, and bureaucratic cohesion as the mainstay of policy implementation.
My most important success in research to date is…
to organize some general interpretive hypotheses and comparative macroeconomic data about energy policies which need to be explored through the deepening of field research. I have already published an article at Textos para Discussão – Academic Journal associated to a federal public foundation to the reformulation of public policies in Brazil – IPEA (Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic Science)
I’ve chosen the TU Darmstadt because of…
outstanding academic environment, common interests around political economy of energy policies, particularly among emerging economies, and also the interdisciplinary approach – especially between energy and politics.
If I were a student today, I would…
read more literature.
The perfect balance to a stressful working day is…
to spend with seven hours of reading and writing, swimming for two hours, talking with friends and colleagues, and watching a movie.
With the help of my host in Darmstadt I would like to…
join in academic debate and build strong bridges to a continued collaboration.
Questionnaire for the host
Guest of: Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt
Department: Department of History and Social Sciences, Institute of Political Science
You appreciate in your guest / your guest favourably impressed you by…
I’m very glad to host Carlos Santana as post-doc researcher at Technische Universität Darmstadt. I had a chance to know him personally during a meeting of World International Studies Committee, where he presented his work. He was telling me about his future research and I decided immediately that his research is extremely interesting for our research focus on energy policy at the Fachbereich and the Institute.
The main proposition of the project has great importance to understand new challenges of domestic governance of energy policies in BRIC countries and therefore the implication in international politics. The way how he blends Varieties of Capitalism literature with State Capacities approach to understand energy infrastructure is both original and relevant.
You, your team and the TU Darmstadt benefit from your guest’s…
Carlos Santana is bringing a new perspective to our analysis of the energy policy of the BRICS and coordination of energy policies at a federal level. As he looks at the same phenomena as we do through the glasses of political economy this gives an added value to our discussions.