Teaching load reduction for female professors after the birth of a child

Female professors can apply for a reduction of their teaching load in the semester following the birth of their child. Application for additional funds for the allocation of teaching assignments can be made over the Gender Equality Office.

Objectives and Contents

  • Female professors can apply for a reduction of 4 semester hours of their teaching load in the semester following the birth of their child.
  • Those female professors who agree to a part-time employment during this semester (following childbirth) can apply for a proportional reduction of their teaching load.
  • Assistant professors can be completely released from their teaching obligations for this semester. Accordingly, a reduction of the teaching load in the amount of four semester hours may be requested.
  • Research semester: The provisions regarding the possibility for applying for a research semester remains unaffected. In applications for research semesters, the semester with reduced teaching hours will be considered a teaching semester provided that at least half of the regular teaching obligations are fulfilled.


  • Applications for a reduction of or release from teaching obligations are to be filed through Referat VII A.
  • Departments can apply over the Gender Equality Office for financial support for teaching assignment allocations resulting from a reduction in the teaching load of a female professor after her maternity leave.