The Gender Equality Officer
The aim of the Hessian Equal Rights Act (HGIG) is to make equal opportunities for men and women a reality, to improve the compatibility of work and family, and to eliminate the existing underrepresentation of women in the public sector. The Gender Equality Officer monitors the implementation of the law and advises the Executive Board.
In areas in which women are underrepresented, a targeted promotion of women can both make sense and be necessary. I understand promotion as always being a form of recommendation. According to the motto: I am worth being advanced in my professional development.
Gender Equality
- is part of the democratic process and is a criterion of excellence
- means equal access for women to all positions in research, teaching and service
- aims to prevent discrimination of any kind
- is essential in order to be able to develop the potentials in everyone equally
- is a crucial element of the University’s developmental strategy
Deputy Gender Equality Officer
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Dr.-Ing.'in Cornelia Seeberg | , Deputy Gender Equality Officer | seeberg@mathematik.tu-... +49 6151 16-21441 S2|15 241 |
| Dr.‘in Bettina Wagner | , | bettina.wagner@tu-... +49 6151 16-57217 S1|21 A 202 |