Synthetic biology is the engineered approach to providing biological cells with new molecular functionality. The fields of biology, chemistry, electrical and information engineering, materials science and physics, mechanical engineering and social sciences, work together here in an interdisciplinary manner. In many different ways, synthetic biology combines their approaches – from the molecular, to the cellular, to the multicellular level.
Our goal is to significantly advance this key technology of the 21st century to help solve various societal challenges and enable significant innovations. The field is broad: from medical diagnostics, production of complex chemical compounds and optimized proteins, e.g. enzymes, new materials, new regulatory mechanisms for more robust plants and microorganisms, to the generation of electrical energy in artificial photosynthesis.
We focus on contributions to the CO2-neutral circular economy, new treatment options in personalized point-of-care medicine, and visionary projects such as digital data storage in DNA or 3D printing of biological tissue.
For our future, Synthetic Biology can provide very versatile, pioneering and even revolutionary building blocks, the potentials of which we are just beginning to envision and explore.