Junior HoMMage offers the following to its young researchers:
- an annual Junior HoMMage Doctoral Retreat
- an annual internal CRC/TRR 270 retreat
- a summer school once per funding period
- (digital) research meetings
- (opens in new tab) a CRC colloquium series
- lecture series
- an annual demonstrator experiment
- recruiting fellowships and career fellowships
- interuniversity exchange interaction
- international exchange interaction with international partners offering additional expertise
- courses and coaching for key qualification skills by (Darmstadt) and Ingenium Young Researchers (Duisburg-Essen) Graduate Center Plus
- Meet the industry colloquium series (see ) “Internal Events”
Graduate college coordinators
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Prof. Dr. Heiko Wende Equal Opportunity Officer | B05, IRTG / Z-MGK | heiko.wende@uni-due.de +49-(0)203 379-2838 |
| Prof. Dr. Lambert Alff Ombudsman | A02, IRTG / Z-MGK | alff@oxide.tu-... +49 (0)6151 16-20700 L2|01 259 |
| Dr. Bianca Schröer Coordinator of CRC/TRR 270's Graduate College | Z-MGK | bianca.schroeer@uni-due.de +49 (0) 203 379-3528 MD 267 |
Early Career Researcher Representatives of funding period 2
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
| Philipp Gabriel | associated A11 | philipp.gabriel@uni-due.de +49 (0) 201 183 6173 S07 S06 D23 |
| M.Sc. Philipp Klaßen | A03 | philipp.klassen@uni-due.de +49 (0)203-379-3673 MD 267 |
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