Integrated Research Training Group
Graduate College "Junior HoMMage"

The integrated research training group (IRTG, MGK) ‘Junior HoMMage’ is part of the CRC 270 and aims at educating the next generation of magnetism researchers in Germany. The IRTG involves researchers from TU Darmstadt, University Duisburg-Essen, Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research and Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C) at Forschungszentrum Jülich. We have 15 PhD students, 12 postdocs and further associates coming from a variety of disciplines such as Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering. The integrated research training group ensures that young researchers receive excellent training in an outstanding network of experts at leading institutions. We intend to bridge the length scale of 250 km between our regions by push-button digital communication and joint working technologies including the development of suited data management systems.

Junior HoMMage offers the following to its young researchers:

Graduate college coordinators

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Heiko Wende
Equal Opportunity Officer
+49-(0)203 379-2838
Prof. Dr. Lambert Alff
+49 (0)6151 16-20700
L2|01 259
Dr. Bianca Schröer
Coordinator of CRC/TRR 270's Graduate College
+49 (0) 203 379-3528
MD 267

Early Career Researcher Representatives of funding period 2

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Philipp Gabrielassociated A11
+49 (0) 201 183 6173
S07 S06 D23
M.Sc. Philipp KlaßenA03
+49 (0)203-379-3673
MD 267

Former Early Career Researcher Representatives of funding period 1

  Name Working area(s) Contact
M.Sc. Georgia GkouziaA02
+49 (0)6151 16-20690
L2|01 178
M.Sc. Nicolas JostenA04
+49 (0)203 379-2988
ME 346

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