Double Degree Programmes

TU Darmstadt has various double-degree agreements with different partner universities around the world. These programmes offer qualified students the opportunity to pursue two degrees at the same time: the Bachelor of Science or the Master of Science at TU Darmstadt and the equivalent degree at the partner university. The full recognition of academic achievements completed abroad is guaranteed at the outset.

Participants complete a large portion of their studies abroad. The duration of studies is usually only prolonged slightly. After completing the Master’s (or Bachelor's) degree at TU Darmstadt, both degree certificates – one from TU Darmstadt, one from the partner university – will be awarded to the student.

The following pages will provide you with information about our double-degree programmes. For general inquiries about double degrees, please contact the Office for International Relations and Mobility.

Double Degree Partnerships

These are the current double-degree partnerships of TU Darmstadt:

Country, City University Level
Brazil, São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo Master
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master
Sweden, Stockholm Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Master
Spain, Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenerios Industriales (ETSII) Master
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Law and Economics.
Country, City University Level
France, Grenoble Institut polytechnique de Grenoble Master
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinators and or visit the website of the Department of Mathematics.
Country, City University Level
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Bachelor + Master (5th-8th semester in France and then finish Master in Germany)
France, Paris CentraleSupélec Paris (currently under revision) Bachelor + Master (5th-8th semester in France and then finish Master in Germany)
Sweden, Stockholm Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Master
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Physics.
Country, City Universtiy Level
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master
China, Shanghai Tongji Universität Master
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree programme please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Materials and Earth Sciences.
International study programme by an international consortium
Functionalized Advanced Materials and Engineering (FAME+) Master
Advanced Materials for Innovation and Sustainability (AMIS) Master
Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling (AMIR) Master
For further information regarding the content of the international study programme please contact or visit the website of the Department of Materials and Earth Sciences.
Country, City University Level
Brasil, São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo Master
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master
France, Marseille École Centrale Marseille Master
France, Paris CentraleSupélec Paris (currently under revision) Master
Sweden, Stockholm Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Master
USA, Kingston
(Rhode Island)
University of Rhode Island Master
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
International study programme by an international consortium Level
International Cooperation in Urban Development (Mundus Urbano) Master
For further information regarding the content of the international study programme please contact or visit the website of the Department of Architecture.
Country, City University Level Information
Brasil, São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo Master Details
China, Shanghai Tongji Universität Master Details
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master Details
USA, Kingston RI University of Rhode Island Master Details
USA, Blacksburg VA Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) Master Details
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Country, City University Level
Brazil, São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo Master
France, Cergy-Pontoise École nationale supérieure de l'électronique et de ses applications (ENSEA) Master
France, Grenoble Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble Master
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master
France, Nantes École Centrale de Nantes Master
France, Paris École Polytéchnique de Paris (intended) Master
France, Paris CentraleSupélec Paris Master
Italy Turin Politecnico di Torino Master
Norway, Trondheim Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Master
Sweden, Stockholm Kungliga Tekniska högskolan Master
Spain, Barcelona Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Escuela técnica superior de Telecomunicaciones (ETSETB) & Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB) (intended) Master
Spain, Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM),
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) & Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT)
Spain, Madrid Universidad Pontificia Comillas Master
Spanien, Valencia Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Escuela técnica superior de Telecomunicaciones (ETSIT) Master
USA, Kingston
(Rhode Island)
University of Rhode Island Master
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
Country, City University Level
Austria, Vienna Technische Universität Wien Master (IT-Security)
France, Antibes Institut Eurécom Master
France, Antibes TELECOM ParisTech Master
France, Grenoble Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble (ENSIMAG) Master
France, Lyon École Centrale de Lyon Master
Indonesia, Jakarta Universitas Indonesia Master (DSS)
For further information regarding the content of the Double Degree program please contact the departmental coordinator or visit the website of the Department of Computer Science.

Organisational Issues for TU Darmstadt Double-Degree Students

You are enrolled as a student at TU Darmstadt and would like to earn two internationally recognised degrees in a reasonable period of time? If you can answer this question with a “yes”, we are looking forward to receiving your application to one of our double-degree programmes.

The following pages will provide you with valuable information on the application process and the different countries. Please get in touch with the respective contact person if you have further questions.

In order to apply to one of our double-degree programmes, you will have to meet the following requirements:

  • enrolled student at TU Darmstadt
  • good academic standing
  • sufficient language skills in the respective national language (TU Darmstadt’s Language Resource Centre offers a great variety of language courses)
  • your department offers the double degree programme with the selected partner university
  • your department accepts your application
  • you are selected by your department to participate in the programme

The application process for a double degree begins after your enrollment at TU Darmstadt, usually in the third or fifth semester, depending on your degree programme and the partner university.

First, you need to enter your personal data into the form and then click on “Send” for us to receive your data. A print version (PDF) will then be generated, which you have to print out, complete, and submit to your departmental coordinator. The selection of the students is done by the department, which then forwards the documents of nominees to the Office for International Relations and Mobility. Your department will inform you whether you have been nominated or not.

Click here to reach the online application portal.

Start and duration of the double-degree programme depend on the partner university. Detailed information about the study progress can be found in the section “Specific Information and Requirements according to Countries”. Participating in the double-degree programme means that the duration of your studies will be slightly longer than the one of a normal degree.

Depending on the country you are going to, there are different funding opportunities for your stay abroad. General funding opportunities are:

  • DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Scholarship
  • BaföG for Study Abroad

Further funding opportunities can be found in the funding section and on our other pages.

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Erasmus+ Confirmation of Stay (opens in new tab) Please have the confirmation of stay signed as soon as you have arrived at the partner university and send it to us.
Double Degree Confirmation of Stay (opens in new tab) In order to disburse your scholarship (DFH, ERASMUS+ or TU Darmstadt-Scholarship) we need a confirmation of stay filled in and signed by the partner university..
Double Degree Europa Learning Agreement The Learning Agreement is essential for the planning of your stay abroad. In it, you specify which courses you will attend abroad, in accordance with TU Darmstadt and your partner university.
Erasmus+ Learning Agreement During the first year of your double degree, you will receive funding via the Erasmus+ programme. Therefore, you will have to fill in the Learning Agreement for the first year according to these guidelines.
DOUBLE DEGREE-Info Session for Nominees (opens in new tab) Presentation of the information event “Nominiert für ein DOUBLE DEGREE?” on 29 February 2016.
Double Degree-Checklist (opens in new tab) Checklist for double degree students prior to their stay abroad
Last updated: 19.02.2015.
Double Degree-Field Report Here information and tips for writing a double degree experience report (opens in new tab) can be found.
Experience reports of former exchange students can be found in the partner university section .
Auslandsbeauftragte (opens in new tab) The list of the current departmental coordinators.