Support on your career journey
The Future Engineering Career (FEC) programme at TU Darmstadt
supports international students throughout their studies until they start their careers. FEC informs, connects and prepares international students across all disciplines as the future specialists of tomorrow. International students on STEM degree programmes in particular will find a contact point at FEC for their career questions, subject-specific offers and the opportunity to make use of TU Darmstadt's strong business network.
FEC is a project of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), funded by the The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Career Workshops
Termin / Date | Titel und Sprache / Title and language | Kurzbeschreibung / Short description |
Im Sommersemester gehts weiter / Our workshops continue in the summer semester |
Kontakt: | Eileen Paßlack-Runkel, fec@zv.tu-… |
2. A wide range of Career services for your career entry
The International Career Service Rhine-Main (ICS RM)
helps you navigate the regional job market, explore entrepreneurship opportunities, understand corporate standards, and build your network. We empower international students and students with migration backgrounds to become sought-after professionals.
Follow ICS RM for career information and event updates:
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