New Winter School on Biomass and Innovative Materials
Grenoble invites Unite! students
From 6 to 10 February 2023, Unite! students get special access to the first edition of the Unite! winter school on Biomass and innovative materials, which will take place in Grenoble. It will focus on the themes of plant biomass valorisation (green and agri food waste, wood residues) as well as production of biomaterials (or bio sourced materials). Applications are open until 15 November 2022.

This Unite! winter school will gather researchers and teachers from universities and labs specialised in this domain: the (Sweden), KTH Royal Institute of Technology(Finland), Aalto University (Austria), Graz University of Technology(France), all of them members of Unite! Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés pour la Bioraffinerie, les Matériaux Bio-sourcés et l'Impression Fonctionnelle (LGP2)
Registration to participate to the is already open on the school’s website, until November 15. winter school
Registration is open to Masters and PhD students of Unite! with a discounted tariff, all activities will be held in English. A certificate of participation will be given to each participant at the end of the seminar and 3 ECTS will be awarded to students who have participated in the entire programme (for credit recognition please always verify first with your university).
In the current state of needs for innovative solutions to avoid plastic and oil dependance, it is more than crucial to open our minds to new types of materials that can simultaneously allow waste valorisation and foster innovation. In order to discover new perspectives in terms of packaging, printing, etc, this first edition of the winter school will offer seminars and workshops on biomass valorisation, cellulose, nanocellulose and lignin to masters and doctorate students who want to discover and acquire knowledge on on plant bio sourced materials.
Based in Grenoble, which is European Green Capital in 2022, this short programme will also offer several social and intercultural activities, allowing students from different countries to connect with each other and with the academic staff. Grenoble is also the Capital of the Alps, where Unite! students will get to know each other and discover one of the 9 Unite! campuses.
About the organisers
Specialised in the fields of biosourced materials, paper and printed communication, Grenoble INP – UGA Pagora is a public school of engineering offering academic courses for future engineers, and masters degree students, in formal education and in apprenticeship, in partnership with the main actors of industry and research of these domains, in France as internationally.
As one of the 8 graduate schools in engineering and management of Grenoble INP – UGA, Pagora has always been very active in the fields of sustainable development and vegetal chemistry, and trains future experts in paper, printing, packaging, and biosourced materials, who will professionally face the main upcoming environmental challenges.
Partner with universities in Europe, North America and in international networks, Grenoble INP – Pagora encourages international mobility with training and academic programmes, allowing students to enhance their intercultural skills for their future professional careers. The school also has a research facility, the LGP2, expert in processes of biorefinery, biosourced materials and functional printing.
About Unite!
Alongside TU Darmstadt as the coordinator, also includes Aalto University (Finland), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Grenoble Institute of Technology (France), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain) and Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal). Unite! (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering)
The seven partner universities aim to use the European University to create a trans-European campus for students and researchers with the involvement of regions and companies. The partners have a total of 167,000 students, already cooperate closely in more than 80 EU projects and have exchanged more than 2,000 students in the past five years. The alliance has set itself the goal of combining courses for the benefit of students, breaking down existing technical and administrative hurdles, and thus significantly increasing student mobility. Research will also benefit from the conditions created for larger and easier cooperation, which will strengthen the competitiveness of the European Higher Education Area overall.